The Brilliance of Fall!

Well here we are in the Northwest, enjoying an extended summer with sunny skies and having almost broke the record of no rain in 51 days.  We made it to 48 or 49.  Just got rain overnight with possibilities of more to come, but that’s ok. All our beautiful greenery was needing a good drink of Nature’s water.  And, the sun is shining again.  We really appreciate the sun over in this part of the world, as we often go many many days without it once the late Fall sets in and the rains and cold of the winter are close behind.


Right now, even though Fall doesn’t officially start until the 22nd for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere,   we can enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature as she starts to show off her most brilliant colors.  The leaves have already started changing here and the air is crisper in the evenings.


And, as the days are getting shorter and the sun is falling over the horizon earlier and earlier, it reminds me of how the cycles of life keep changing and changing….there is no stagnation in Mother Nature, even in winter.  And, there is no stress over it all, either.  She does it all in an easy, this is it, kind of way.  Very confident of who she is and secure in her ability to keep changing.


As much as I love summer, I love this time of the year, too.  The energy feels as if it’s a start of a new year.  It’s “back to school” time, whether you are in school, have children in school or not…there’s this feeling of more energy to ride into the end of the year.


The more leisurely time of summer is now in the past.  And that’s good, as now, I’m ready for more projects, I feel more creative and am looking forward to gathering up what I need and want to create for the rest of the year.


It’s as if Mother Nature purposely gives us the warmth of summer to play and the crispness of Fall to get energized and back into inspired creative action. This allows us to gather together our “harvest” so we have what we need when the colder more quieter winter focuses us more within.


I’m excited about this new beginning, this re-start button being pressed.  I’d love to share with you some of my projects for my business and personal life that are energizing me, as I get back into the “back to school” mode.  What are yours?

  • Getting my client room painted a new calming green color.

  • Re-decorating my client room with new open bookshelves and some new furniture

  • Revising some of my website pages

  • Getting new windows in some of the house

  • Going to the gym or on a walk 5 days per week.

What are your projects for the Fall?

What’s energizing you? Or, are you finding yourself stuck in that rut of immobilization?


Share your thoughts below on “back to school” mode, what you are energized about (or not) and how “Fall-ing” into this time of your life is working for you (or not).

I’m all ears to hear from you and what you’re up to, as we move into the last quarter of the year.


Meanwhile, wherever you are, wishing you complete brilliance as you color your world in vivid details of what it is you are creating!



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