Could You Be Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals? This may surprise you, but one of the things that could be keeping you stuck in the weight loss game, and unknowingly sabotaging yourself is: You have not made a firm decision or commitment to change. You read that right.  Decision.  An absolute decision.  Not a wish, not a fantasy, but a decision to change your life.  Change my life?  I just want to lose some weight you might be saying.  I just want to feel more motivated to go the gym or exercise. Is it…

Here we are staring at the Labor Day Holiday weekend! Once again, I’m in awe as how fast the time seems to fly. I’ve been in my “summertime mode” of taking more leisurely time for myself, playing the balance of life game. My hope is that you have had a great summer in spite of various undesirable weather conditions around the country, and that you allowed yourself to engage in some summer fun. Summer is definitely the “fun” and more leisurely season Mother Nature has provided for us so we can be refreshed and ready…

The Power of Intention!   Victoria wants to loss weight and eat healthy. She’s lost weight before, only to regain it all back and more. This time, however, she just received news from her doctor that she is now diabetic. She has a family and knows she wants to be around for a long time to enjoy her life with them. Travis wants a long-term relationship. Content for years to be a “lady’s man,” he recently recovered from a life-threatening illness and is now clear that he is ready for a lifelong partner. Emily wants…

Hypnobirthing®: Relaxing into Childbirth by Jackie Foskett, CH Pregnant? Going to be pregnant? Know someone who is pregnant? If you fall into any of these categories, or if you simply want to know that babies can come into the world in a calm and peaceful way, then you’ll want to know about HypnoBirthing®, The Mongan Method. I’ve been teaching HypnoBirthing® since 2000 and am still so excited to be sharing this childbirth education method with others. The HypnoBirthing® philosophy is simple: Women’s bodies instinctively know how to birth. When the fear and negativity that often…

Inspirational Quotes The power of imagination makes us infinite. -John Muir The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. -Frank Loyd Wright There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you. -David Burns, Intimate Connections Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances. – Benjamin Franklin You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. – Buckminster Fuller If you…

Making Heart-Friendly Choices by Jackie Foskett, CH Heart-friendly lifestyle choices don’t have to be a struggle. Here are some simple ways you can protect your heart—and feel great about yourself. Move your Body According to the February 2007 Natural Health article “Lock in Your Heart Health” by Catherine Guthrie, moving your body is a must for a healthy heart. Exercise releases nitric oxide, a substance that lowers blood pressure. This chemical also soothes inflamed arteries, which helps keep sticky plaque from adhering to blood vessel walls. How much should you exercise to maintain heart health?…

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