Habitual lateness. Extreme disorganization. Not following up sales leads. Eating foods not on your food plan. Self-sabotage takes on a variety of guises and affects people of all ages, professions and economic levels. But it always leads to our not living the life we want for ourselves. Take this Self-Quiz to see where you you might be working against yourself. There’s no scoring, it simply will allow you to see where you may be working against yourself instead of for yourself. It takes me at least a half hour to locate a document I need…

Spring’s Invitation to YOU! by Jackie Foskett, CH Welcome to Spring!  Ah…such a great time of the year.  I love how Spring shows us the beauty of Mother Nature and her renewal capacity as leaves unfold and color bursts forth. There is an energy in the air that speaks highly of hope and possibility.  It’s refreshing after a long winter of Mother Nature’s hibernation, when she was resting and restoring.  I still get amazed each and every year at the grandeur of results she produces after seemingly lying dormant and doing “nothing” for all that…

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