The New Year does this to me…


How’s it going?

We are now over 3 weeks into our new year. Wow-it’s already flying by.

Time seems to do that for me these days, what about you?

Do you feel like time is going slowly or is it at warp speed?

Also, how did the beginning of a new year land on you?

Did you feel excitement for new beginnings?

Or did you feel the pressure that you should feel excited about the new year and all you should be doing?

Well, I have to tell you, for me, it’s been a combination of both!

I always get excited about a new year—thinking about how I can design this next upcoming year, creating intentions and goals.

I’ve long ago let go of the “resolutions” mindset, instead have reframed this new beginning time as a time to create and design what I want for this new year.

I also like to do a “letting go” process of the past year, as well as acknowledge the many gems or silver linings I’ve gotten out of the past year.

I have to tell you, there’s something else that happens to me each year in the first week or so of January…it’s a bit of a panic…even a pressure feeling!

Yes, with all my great tools and strategies, I notice I will start to feel a lot of pressure.

I start to get quite impatient with myself.

Why do I do this to myself, you might ask!

Good question!

For me, it’s all this creative energy of intentions and goals circulating around and I want to have it all in place NOW! LOL!

This year, it seems like the pressure feeling has been especially strong.

I’m surmising it’s because there have been some life transitions in my life.

My husband retired as of December 1st and we’re planning on more traveling than we had done in the past.

And, I’m working on how I will continue with my work in spite of our adventures in global trotting!

Yes, we are even contemplating all this in spite of that virus circulating…we are wanting to be safe, flexible, and forward-thinking as much as we can be in these current circumstances.

But, I digress.

The pressure to have it all “sealed” up, to know exactly what I’m doing and how…has not served me well.

So, I had to pivot.

I had to hit the refresh button for myself-not only in the mindset of what I’m creating-which I love doing but in the mindset of the timing.

I had to stop putting that pressure on myself… reset my mind to being more patient, kind, and compassionate with myself, and develop new mantras to repeat over and over again…

“It’s all ok, I’m doing my best right now, everything will work out, patience is key, slow and steady, Rome wasn’t built in a day.” (LOL-such an old saying that is so true!)…and more of these reassurances as my intentions for this new year, this new time, are unfolding.

I also take some good deep breaths and have a new mantra for them… “my breath is my anchor, my anchor is my breath,” which helps ground me and get me out of the monkey mind that wants to take over.

If you can relate to any of the pressure-panic feelings, hit reply to this email and I will personally acknowledge your comment. I want to hear about your experiences when the new year begins.

And, I will keep you posted on how my design for this new time is going!

Oh, make sure you get your free gift at the end of this e-news!

I just recently created it for you to support you in moving forward to what it is you want and need now!



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