
A Simple Exercise for Reflection and Renewal

Here’s a simple exercise you can do for yourself to bring more expansion, joy and love into your heart. Take 10 minutes-longer if you choose. Ask yourself: What am I most grateful for the year behind me? Write down whatever pops into your mind. I highly suggest you write it down-it will imprint onto your subconscious mind at a deeper level. Now, ask: What am I most grateful for about myself? Again, write it down. Could be your kindness you expressed to someone…or just in general…how you are a kind person. Could be your wisdom,…

It’s That Time of the Year Again to Reflect & Renew

I hope your holidays were a time that was meaningful to you. Even though we may not all celebrate the same holidays or find them challenging for a variety of reasons, they do mark a time when we’re conscious that it is the last month of the year. And, so I’d like to share something with you that is significant as we come to the end of this year, 2023. A few weeks ago, when I attended a Tapping Solution event on “Reflect, Learn & Renew: Closing the Year with Insight and Growth” with Jessica…

Tis the Season To Be Jolly…Or?

Tis The Season! How are you doing? It’s a busy time of the year and for many people, it can also be a time of the year that feels stressful and filled with too much on their plates-both metaphorically and actually! Self care practices may be relegated to happen in the new year because it just doesn’t seem like there is enough time to get it all done. I get it. I’ve been there myself before…and yet, I’ve learned that when I do take the time for myself-to go for a walk-even a short one.…

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