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It Was An Amazing Journey!

It Was An Amazing Journey!

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” Nelson Mandela.   My husband and I recently returned from an amazing 6 week journey! (More about that shortly.) And, we returned to basically summer weather. That’s is more unusual here in the Pacific Northwest in October, than it is common. I must admit, it was nice to feel the warm air and see the sun when we’re used to having more cooler temps in October and if not downright rain-at least some drizzly days. But then shortly after arriving, we realized the sun was trying to…

Can you Feel the Change?

Can you Feel the Change?

“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” – Gregory S. Williams Personal Note: Change is in the air-Fall is here! The leaves are turning, the air is getting cooler-at least in many parts of the Northern hemisphere and there is much happening at a deeper level with Mother Nature. Can you feel the change? I love how this time of the year makes me aware of all the subtle and not-so-subtle changes that occur. It awakens all my senses! Last…

Building Resilience

Building Resilience

Why Building Emotional resilience is vital   When you are faced with a negative situation, how do you respond? If you can navigate the situation without a lot of drama, then you have a good measure of emotional resilience. If you blame other people for the problem, if you brood about the things you cannot control, if you see it as insurmountable, then you don’t.   However, you can.   You can build emotional resilience by enhancing a positive mindset and by shunning negativity.   While you learn how to build your resilience levels, you…

What is Resilience?

What is Resilience?

Resilience provides you with the strength to deal with adversity. When you are faced with the hardships and stresses of life, resilience provides you with a reservoir of skills and strengths to carry you through the situation. If you are a resilient person, an emotionally resilient person, you will be able to bounce back quicker and stronger. Change, loss, and trauma are inevitable in this life. We will all experience some type of setback as we journey on our way, while some of these setbacks are minor, there are plenty of big ones to deal…

This Month is Associated with New Beginnings

This Month is Associated with New Beginnings

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou Personal Note: I hope you were able to take the challenge I offered in my last e-news. If not, it’s not too late!? Here’s the link: https://healinghypnotherapy.com/the-summer-to-fall-conundrum/ This month is associated with new beginnings. Even though summer does not officially end til the 22nd of the month, it certainly feels like a new start, even if we are in the last 4 months of the year! In the US, with the Labor Day holiday, schools starting…

The Summer to Fall Conundrum

The Summer to Fall Conundrum

Is it possible to enjoy the last weeks of summer with Fall right around the corner? It’s that time of the year when we start to realize that summertime is slowly giving way to Fall. I find myself feeling a mixture of sadness that summer is ending and excitement about the new beginnings that Fall carries with it. It’s an interesting conundrum, isn’t it, as I want to stay present to the summer that I love so much and yet create and envision what’s coming up next. Do you find you do something similar? I…

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