Special Tax Relief Offer!
Don’t wait until tax season is over, get stress relief now by accessing your powerful inner mind to support you in feeling your best and being focused.
For a very limited time only, receive from 5-20% off all “Series of Sessions” packages containing 3 or more sessions.
The more sessions in a package, the bigger the reduction. If you’ve been putting self care at the end of the list, now is the time to stop doing that. It doesn’t serve you in the long run.
Take advantage of this tremendous savings now. Get the break you need.
Enroll now. This offer expires on April 18th.
Cash in on your relief now!
Ready to stop all the stress in your life?
Ready to release those extra pounds?
Ready to be successful in your goals?
Then use this Tax Relief Special to get the most benefit out of your powerful inner mind.
One session of one-on-one hypnotherapy costs $150.00.
Look at all the ways you can use and benefit from hypnotherapy:
3 Session Motivational Booster or Series of Sessions
5 hours of hypnotherapy to get you back on track for your fitness and health goals or to provide a basic foundation for change
Prepaid: $400.00 ($133/session)
5% OFF Discount: $380.00 ($127/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
3 Session Smoking Cessation
4-5 hours of hypnotherapy to release smoking and all its connections to other events from your life
Prepaid: $400.00 ($133/session)
5% OFF Discount: $380.00 ($127/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
4 Session Stress Release or Series of Sessions
6.5 hours of hypnotherapy to change the way you respond to stressful situations in everyday life or to work deeper into an “issue”, habit, or behavior you are wanting to change
Prepaid: $500.00 ($125/session)
10% OFF Discount: $$450.00 ($112.50/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
5 Session Smoking Cessation or Series of Sessions
7-8 hours of hypnotherapy to progressively become a non-smoker or for further exploration and change in other areas of life you want to transform
Prepaid: $610.00 ($122/session)
15% OFF Discount: $518.50 ($104/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
6 Week Weight Release Program or Series of Sessions
9.5 hours of hypnotherapy for the foundation for your successful weight release or to work on a deeper level for an “issue” that requires more time, and/or to change several areas of your life you desire to change.
Prepaid: $710.00 ($118/session)
20% OFF Discount: $568.00($95/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
8 Session Program/Series of sessions
12.5 hours of hypnotherapy for more extensive work in transforming your life
Prepaid: $920.00 ($115/session)
20% OFF Discount: $736.00 ($92/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
“10 Session Life Changing Program”
15.5 hours of hypnotherapy to make profound changes in many areas of your life
Prepaid: $1120 ($112/session)
20% OFF Discount: $896.00 ($89.60/session)[add_to_cart item=”HHT28″ showprice=”no” quantity=”user:1″ ]
Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
“12 Session In-Depth Weight Release Program”
18.5 hours of hypnotherapy to make profound and lasting changes for weight release and maintenance
Prepaid: $1320 ($110/session)
20% OFF Discount: $1,056 ($88/session)
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.
“13, 14, or more Series of Sessions for Change and Support to Stay on Track for Anything Program”
Customized to your individual needs. At least 20 hours of hypnotherapy and support to make the changes you desire and have you stay on track with a consistent support structure.
Prepaid: $1300, $1400 depending on # of sessions 13 or more ($100/session)
20% OFF Discount: $1040; $1120 ($80/session)
Enter Number of sessions (minimum 13) and amount will calculate.
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Discount will automatically be applied when the item is added to your cart. No need to apply coupon.