Weight Release

Mindfulness 101

Follow these 7 easy steps and notice how quickly you can become mindful! Step #1-DECIDE you want to become mindful When we decide to do something, we are telling ourselves we are committed and we engage our minds in this “new” decision Step #2-STOP and pause. Stopping and pausing for a moment in whatever we are doing, brings our attention to the activity and forms a natural “break” from the autopilot program we were on. Step #3-Breathe consciously. Breathing with focus allows that stop and pause to continue and gives us the opportunity to elevate…

Mind full or Mindful? Where are you?

I am a big fan of being in summertime mode and those of you who have been in my community for a while know that about me. And, you know, I’m wanting that for you too! But, I must confess, this year, so far, I’ve been “off” quite a bit in getting there. I’ve had my mind full of lots to do. Much too much! And, I haven’t been as mindful of how much I was putting on my plate! Oh dear! And, now it seems like summer is shortly coming to an end! Yikes!…

Life Balance Quiz

How Well Do You Maintain Life Balance? by Jackie Foskett of Healing Hypnotherapy We hear how important it is to have balance in our lives. Yet what exactly does that mean? If trying to maintain balance in your life has your feeling like a tightrope walker, you are not alone! Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy, life can feel like a 3 ring circus! Take this quiz to find out how well you are doing in meeting responsibilities, while recognizing and fulfilling personal needs and wants. It will help…

Heart Focused Breathing For YOU!

Feeling stressed, anxious, or worried can upset your heart’s natural coherent rhythms, which in turn send electromagnetic signals to the brain to release stress hormones. By focusing in on your heart as you breathe and engaging in a positive emotional feeling, you are supporting your heart’s innate intelligence to get back into a state of coherence. This quick exercise is a modified version on “The Quick Coherence Technique” created by The Heart Math Institute, and is Stress Relief Tool #4 in my book: The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But…

Identify Your Stress!

Would you be surprised to discover that stress has been named as an underlying factor in up to 90% of illnesses? Would you be surprised to find that most of the people around you feel stressed much of the time? One of the best ways to manage stress in your life is to first become aware of exactly what it is that causes you stress, because if you can name the stressor, then you can take the necessary steps to minimize or eliminate it. One technique for dealing with stress is called, “Name It, Tame…

Are you Allowing Joy in?

Question for this week: Are you allowing Joy into your life? Welcome to week 3 of Stress Relief tips and audios for the holidays! I just learned a new word this week: Stressmas! I laughed out loud when I saw it on a post from a colleague. Unfortunately, it does seem to fit the season. How can we change that up-even just a bit? I know, it’s a busy time of the year with added on things to do amidst the already full loads most of us carry during our daily lives. Yet, I believe…

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