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Thursday, September 7th, 2017 at 5:30 pm PT, 8:30 pm ET! Free Webinar: Get Off the Stress Hamster Wheel and Ride the Mindset of Inner Calm What a great ride it’ll be! WooHoo! Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn and experience: How easily your mind can get “hooked” on being on the stress hamster wheel How to “break the cycle” of stress and get off that hamster wheel once and for all! A guided hypnosis process to support your mind in finding a new and better ride Get clear on how to stay on…

How Well Do You Maintain Balance in Your Life? by Jackie Foskett If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone. Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy, life can feel like a three-ring circus. When we’re out of balance, it’s stressful. Take this quiz to see where you are at in the life balance equation. True or False? 1. I successfully manage my life by taking care of myself physically and emotionally. 2. Self care is part of my daily…

How’s your summer going? Are you taking some leisure time? Getting in some play time? Are you in summertime mode yet? Would love to hear on the comments below! Where I live in the Pacific Northwest, the Seattle area, we have had an amazing summer this year. Not too hot (until this week!) and no rain for quite a while. As summer keeps moving along, I find myself assessing if I’m really staying in balance in my life. Now, many of you know, I’m a big summer fan, which for me translates into “let’s play.”…

Stress-I have to confess, I had 2 incidents recently that really stressed me out. Hint: look for the Tip included! Yup, the Stress Relief Specialist got stressed out-enough so that I was in tears as I tried to explain a technical problem to someone who might help me. I’ll just tell you about the one that hit me the hardest. I had some serious issues with technology that affected how people signing up for my free gifts were getting them or weren’t as it turned out. They were suppose to immediately get a letter with…

As the author of more than 30 books, including the bestselling series Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Dr. Richard Carlson helped millions of people create lives of greater peace, connection and caring by focusing on the more important things in life. The last chapter of one of his books is titled “Live This Day As If It Might Be Your Last. It Might Be!” Ironically and sadly, Carlson died unexpectedly at age 45 on a plane flight to New York. How better to drive home his point? We really don’t know how long we have…

Have I got some exciting news for you today! You can now get instant access to 100s of downloadable self-help gifts at NO COST to you. Yep, you heard me right…for FREE! All you have to do is go here: Empowered Living Gifts Instead of waiting until “later” to get support, check out all these fabulous gifts that will empower you into feeling lighter and more connected to your best healthiest self! Empowered Living Gifts Giveaway hosted by Carolyn Hansen, Joe Rubino and special guest host John Cho will be open for a VERY LIMITED…

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