Stress & Anxiety Relief

Do you need a change of perspective about your body?

Do you need a change of perspective about your body?

“You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and self-care.” — Jessica Ortner How do you think and feel about your body? I recently read that over 73% of men and a whopping 86% of women are unsatisfied with their bodies.  I’m not surprised, as it’s fairly common in our modern culture to feel pressure to look a “certain” way.  That “certain” way is often unrealistic standards of what our bodies are supposed to look like, leading us to feel “less than,” “not…

Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters

Understanding the Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month Mental Health Awareness Month plays a vital role in eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging open discussions about these topics. It provides an opportunity to educate and inform us about the prevalence of mental health issues and the available resources for seeking support. Although Mental Health Awareness Month leans toward promoting more understanding about the many diagnosed mental health issues, it can also focus on upleveling our “everyday” mental well being. Stress and anxiety, ever so prevalent in our current culture, play a huge role…

Finding More Happiness: Letting go of the stress!

Finding More Happiness: Letting go of the stress!

Happiness is more than just a fleeting emotion; it is a state of being that encompasses overall well-being, peace, and contentment. It is not a constant state of grinning, and it is natural to experience other emotions like sadness, fear, anger, or disappointment and even stress. However, being in tune with our inner happiness means that we do not let those emotions control us or hold us back. Merely desiring more happiness will not magically make it appear. The happiest people are those who take control of their attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with intentionality.…

Stress Awareness Month – Happiness Challenge summary!

Stress Awareness Month – Happiness Challenge summary!

“A thousand mile journey begins with the first step”. – Lao-Tzu Personal Note: As we come to a close on April and its Stress Awareness Month, I hope you’ve had some time to be aware of what your stressors are and to cultivate some strategies for reducing your responses to them. I always like to keep this in mind: Awareness is the #1 key, the first step, in making ANY changes you desire. If you’re not aware of what is stressing you out, or how your body is reacting to the stress and anxiety, it’s…

Still time to shine the light on YOUR Happiness!

Still time to shine the light on YOUR Happiness!

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who are celebrating! I know it’s the weekend and a holiday one to boot, so I’ll make this super quick. If you are wanting to shine the light on your innate Happiness and feel more connected to all that’s most important to you… Then, please join me in my FREE 5 Day Happiness Challenge starting Monday, April 10th. There’s still time! It’s an opportunity for you to challenge yourself to get rid of old habits that are interfering with your happiness and establish some new and empowering habits…

Don’t let stress sabotage your happiness

Don’t let stress sabotage your happiness

As April is stress awareness month, seems like a good time to take stock of what might be stressing you out, making you anxious and generally impeding on your happiness levels. Stress can be insidious… it can seem “normal.” Many people are operating on a consistent stress wave and are not even aware that they’re stressed. By stopping to take inventory every so often, you allow yourself to become aware. Awareness is ALWAYS the first step in resolving or changing any issue in our lives or wanting to experience our lives more fully, with more…

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