Stress & Anxiety Relief

What makes you feel good?

What makes you feel good?

In a recent article on the Energy of Happiness, I invited you to think and feel about what either expands you or contracts you. An easy way to increase our overall happiness level is to do things that have us feel expansive-on a daily basis. What if you simply made a list of those things? And, what if you looked at that list everyday and focused on doing, experiencing, and/or thinking about at least one thing on that list? Can you imagine how doing that on a daily basis would implant a happiness habit for…

April is Stress Awareness Month.

April is Stress Awareness Month.

Being aware of the stress and what stresses us out in our lives is vital for us to be able to have more happiness in our lives. There has been lots of news articles, studies, reports and more that tell us how stressful these last 2 years since the pandemic began, has been. And, while these last 2 years have been especially challenging and stress and anxiety producing, the pandemic is not the only thing to blame. Stress, it seems, has become for many, a part of everyday life. We over schedule ourselves, we over…

The Energy of Happiness

The Energy of Happiness

I know I feel uplifted when I’m around someone who emanates an inner calm, an inner peace, and/or a generally happy attitude. I’m imagining you have noticed this, too? It’s the same when you are around someone who is moody, down, negative, and/or complaining. You probably have noticed you feel less energetic, less joyful, and generally not so positive. Science has shown everything is energy, including right down to all the cells in our bodies that make us who we are. Energy “vibrates” at various frequencies. And, we are aware of those frequencies, even if…

Is it Possible to be Happy Now?

Is it Possible to be Happy Now?

I don’t know about you, but personally, all that is happening in the world right now, on top of us still being in a pandemic, does not make it easy to feel happy. Yet, besides supporting organizations that are focused on humanitarian help, I do know one thing that is vital for me and I believe for all of us and that is to cultivate our own inner happiness, no matter what is happening externally. This does not mean we stick our heads in the sand and do not acknowledge the feelings we have about…

5 Ways to Get & Stay Motivated

5 Ways to Get & Stay Motivated

Accept Where You Are Currently Life is like those signs that read: “You Are Here.” When you want to go somewhere else, you need to know where you are starting from, otherwise, you won’t know what direction you are going, what next steps to take, or have a plan to follow. By accepting where you are currently, you are not bathing in the anxiety about how you will find your motivation. Adopt A Positive Vocabulary Use strong adjectives to describe what’s good in your life. i.e: “I’m feeling absolutely great/marvelous today.” Use weak words to…

Losing Your Motivation?

Losing Your Motivation?

Quick Personal Note The month of February is a special month for me. And, it’s already flying by! But I’m savoring all the moments as best as I can! Not only is it my birthday month, but it is the month of birthdays of a lot of people I know…as well as a couple of Presidents and, it’s the month I got engaged to my wonderful hubby! As I just entered a new decade on the 6th, it had me contemplating what motivates me and how do I stay motivated to continue to achieve the…

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