7 Ways to Carve Out Relaxation Time

National Relaxation Day is a wonderful opportunity to unwind and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Here are 7 ways or things you can play around with to take a nice relaxing time today…and anytime! Spa Day at Home: Why not create a spa-like atmosphere at home where you can relax easily and comfortably? You could draw a warm bath, light scented candles, play soothing music, and use their favorite skincare products for a pampering session. Meditation: Meditation helps you stay present and calm, which is naturally relaxing. If you’d…

It’s National Relaxation Day 2023!

Happy National Relaxation Day! Over the last few blogposts, the theme has been all about Life Balance. National Relaxation Day is the perfect opportunity to add more balance in your life if you typically find it hard to make relaxation a priority in your life. Of course, just one day out of a year of relaxation time doesn’t make for a balanced life, but it can shine the light on ways you can add more “down time” to your schedule on a regular basis. Personally, I need this day, as I’ve been in the midst…

How to Assess Your Life-Work-Play Balance

In a previous blogpost, I talked about how it’s possible to over do even the “summertime mode” if we’re not tuned in to having a balanced life for ourselves. Then, the feature article discussed 5 ways to create more balance in your life. Finding the right balance between your responsibilities and downtime certainly can be a challenge in today’s fast-paced world. To gain insight into your current life-work-play balance, I’ve prepared a 10-question quiz. This quiz will help you assess whether you are prioritizing self-care, maintaining healthy boundaries, and making time for activities that bring…

Mental Health Matters

Understanding the Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month Mental Health Awareness Month plays a vital role in eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging open discussions about these topics. It provides an opportunity to educate and inform us about the prevalence of mental health issues and the available resources for seeking support. Although Mental Health Awareness Month leans toward promoting more understanding about the many diagnosed mental health issues, it can also focus on upleveling our “everyday” mental well being. Stress and anxiety, ever so prevalent in our current culture, play a huge role…

More Tips for Holiday Ease

  Continuing on from last week’s Tips for Keeping Your Sanity and more over the Holidays! If you celebrate Christmas, it’s only 2-3 days away…and you may at this time find yourself either in a tizzy with still a lot on your to do list, or possibly wondering how all the get togethers will go…or maybe you are simply exhausted from all you’ve already done and wish you could have some down time. Whatever is happening for you…I have a couple of tips, in addition to the one you received a week ago, to help…

You can make this Holiday Season easier!

Many of us find ourselves in the hustle and bustle craziness that comes along with this part of the year: The Holidays! The workshop program I offered at the beginning of the month, delved deeply into tools and strategies for an easier more peaceful holiday season. As there is still time to change things up, I want to offer you a few easy tips over the next couple of e-newsletters to support you in Keeping Your Sanity this Holiday Season and enjoying this last part of the year. Quick and Simple: Tip #1–Stop and take…

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