Featured Articles

10 Ways to Attract Ease and Serenity

10 Ways to Attract Ease and Serenity by Jackie Foskett, CH Who doesn’t want more ease, serenity and peace in their lives? Here are the practices I have been working with personally and also sharing with my clients. #1 Become aware of self-talk Awareness is key to determining what you attract into your life, so pay attention to your thoughts. #2 Acknowledge negative thoughts Say “thank you for sharing” or something similar to acknowledge that you’ve heard the negative thought. You may also want to imagine a big STOP sign, indicating you are no longer…

5 Strategies for Holiday Peace and Joy

5 Strategies for Holiday Peace and Joy by Jackie Foskett, CH The holidays can be a wonderful time marked by gatherings with family and friends, great food and the spirit of giving. But who hasn’t experienced an overload of such good cheer? If you find yourself feeling more stressed than celebratory, don’t despair. You can feel calm, joyous and in control—while still making merry. The five powerful strategies below come from my recent workshop “De-Stress and Love Your Holidays.” Pick one or two that resonate with your needs this season, or use them all. Break…

Visualization: Imagining a Comfortable Childbirth

Visualization: Imagining a Comfortable Childbirth by Jackie Foskett, CH Visualizing a comfortable childbirth not only prepares moms-to-be for a wonderful birth experience, it’s also a great way to relax during pregnancy. Perform the exercise below for just 10 minutes a day, gradually working up to 20 minutes a day as you feel ready. Practice, practice, practice is key! Your mind, your body, and your baby will be thank you. Designate an area in your home for quiet time and relaxation. Start the exercise by using your breath: Inhale to a count of 4, pause briefly,…

How to Keep on the Path of Health and Wellness

How to Keep on the Path of Health and Wellness by Jackie Foskett, CH Last month, I introduced using simple Breathwork to release a stressful moment and/or gain a feeling of calmness for your health and well being. I also discussed portion sizes and simple ways to get movement into your life for overall health and wellness. So, how do you keep walking this path? How do you remember to BREATHE when in need of calming or stick to the appropriate portion for healthy eating? How do you keep your body moving regularly and easily?…

Do You Have “Fear of the Dentist” Syndrome?

Do You Have “Fear of the Dentist” Syndrome? by Jackie Foskett, CH Does fear keep you or someone you know from receiving regular dental care? As a long time Registered Dental Hygienist, I have heard this reason many times from patients who have neglected their dental care. Various studies suggest that anywhere from 10-20% of the population stay away due to anxiety or fear of the dentist. Unfortunately, neglecting dental care not only has negative oral health implications such as badly decayed teeth and gum disease, it can play a role in more serious medical…

Hungry? Stuffed? How Do You Know?

Hungry? Stuffed? How Do You Know? by Jackie Foskett, CH A common challenge I hear from clients entering my Weight Release program is about overeating, or eating when not really hungry. Besides for the emotions that may be driving the unwanted behavior, and using hypnotherapy to assist in getting to the source and making the appropriate changes, you can use a very simple method to begin to know where you are on the hunger verses stuffed scale ! Imagine a Gauge This technique requires you to simply STOP and tune in to your body. Imagine…

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