Featured Articles

It’s National Relaxation Day! August 15th

It’s National Relaxation Day! August 15th

It’s National Relaxation Day! And, since I know how relaxing, letting go, and enjoying downtime are so vital to our health and well-being, I wanted to gift you one of my new relaxation audios today. It’s short and sweet-just enough to get you into the “Summertime Mode” of taking it easy. Please enjoy and let me know your experience by replying directly to this email or sending me a personal email at: Jackie@JackieFoskett.com Listen to it often for the relaxation your mind, body and spirit crave! Happy Relaxation Day! Here’s the link: Relaxing, Releasing &…

The Antidote to the Killer of Motivation!

The Antidote to the Killer of Motivation!

Has this ever happened to you? You feel excited about starting something new, perhaps a new food and exercise plan. You’re doing well with what you planned for yourself for several weeks-maybe even a couple of months-and then BOOM! It hits you! The “I don’t want to do that today/anymore/right now” syndrome. It happens to all of us at one time or another-or perhaps for some too many times… And, when it does, it doesn’t feel good. It provokes unhelpful thoughts and feelings of I’m a failure, I’m not good enough, why can’t I feel…

Motivation for the Unmotivated!

Motivation for the Unmotivated!

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar Feeling unmotivated to exercise, get organized, eat healthier, de-clutter, plan for your next vacation or anything else? If you are experiencing this feeling of being unmotivated-you are not alone. As Zig Ziglar says, motivation often doesn’t last. Perhaps you started a project and had a goal in mind. You started out feeling very excited and motivated, yet, somewhere along the way, you may have started to feel unmotivated. Then you slowed down or maybe even…

Motivation & Summertime Mode-Can they go together?

Motivation & Summertime Mode-Can they go together?

“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble is too difficult to overcome.” — Wilma Rudolph Personal Note: Summertime! It can give us that feeling of anything is possible as we seem to have more freedom, more daylight and more time to play. I’ve been a fan of what I call “summertime mode” for a long time. And, yet, summertime mode can backfire on us. Be sure to keep reading to see what I’m talking about! But first, I’d like to share what I’ve been up to…

Inspiration for Upcoming Mothers’ Day

Inspiration for Upcoming Mothers’ Day

I’m making this super quick. Mother’s Day is happening on May 8th. Whether you are a mother or not, we all have a mothering aspect to us. We mother our human children as well as our furry children, our friends sometimes, and our gardens, too. Mothering is a verb. And, sometimes we need some R&R from all that mothering! So, today, I’m offering you some ways to get that R & R either for yourself or as a gift for the mothers in your life! Check out the package of audios I put together to…

Exercise & Happiness-What’s the Connection?

Exercise & Happiness-What’s the Connection?

Having a bad day? Feeling down? One of the ways to increase your happiness level is to exercise-move your body! Moving our bodies releases those wonderful feel-good hormones called endorphins, as well as other mood-enhancing bio-chemicals—and they are all legal!? The effects of these mood enhancers can last up to 12 hours! That’s a lot of mood enhancement without putting artificial chemicals in your body! Exercise also works on reducing the levels of stress hormones that get produced when we’re stressed and anxious. So, not only are we getting a boost of mood enhancers, we’re…

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