Stress & Anxiety Relief

Our Thoughts can be quite scary!

With Halloween right around the corner, scary things are popping up all over! Have you noticed?There are many scary things you might find lurking in your neighbors’ yards this time of the year: ghosts, evil looking pumpkins, skeletons, witches, bats, vampires and more….. But what is really scary is something you don’t see, yet has a very frightful impact.It’s those negative thoughts running around in so many minds.Maybe even yours. OH NO!Yes, you know those thoughts: the ones that keep you afraid, stressed out, have you feeling you’re not good enough and make you worry endlessly!  …

2 Stress Relief Tips!

Work stress and loss of free time as well as juggling family responsibilities are big stressors for both women and men. Here’s a 2 quick stress relief tips from: “The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves.” Stress Relief Tips: Be sure to have a picture of a soothing place on your desk. Anytime you begin to feel stressed, allow yourself 5 minutes to simply stare at the picture and immerse yourself in it. Experience it as if you are really there. Establish a new stress relief habit:set a timer to…

Plant for your future and changes now!

Change is surely in the air here in the Northwest. What about where you are? Are you noticing how the air is feeling cooler, the evenings are crisp as the days become shorter and shorter? As the leaves on the trees begin to show off Mother Nature’s brilliance, I can’t help but anticipate the changes that are coming. No worries, I’m not anxious about these changes. Instead, I’m finding myself curious. Curious not only about what the next season will be like after our very dry and warm summer here, but also curious about how…

Stress Relief Tool #17

Here’s a quick and easy tool taken directly from Chapter 4 of: “The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves.” It may seem counter intuitive to smile when feeling stressed, but it actually works to reduce stress symptoms. A study at the University of Kansas, published in Psychological Science, demonstrated the positive affects of smiling, even if it is not a genuine smile. Simply by using those facial muscles needed to smile, participants activated a positive physiological response. The positive physiological response was not found in the participants who had…

Pre-Order Book Now

With September already in full swing and summer coming to a close, it’s a great time to get focused on what’s up for the rest of the year. Yes, we are at the last quarter of the year and as we all know, this last part seems to fly by even faster than all the other months! I hope you used your summer to play and relax because, that is, in my opinion, what summers are for. But now, as it’s “back in school” time, you may be ready to tackle some things you’ve put…

Here’s another funny one-Laughter yoga!

I hope you got in some relaxation time on Saturday for National Relaxation Day! Right now I’m in Las Vegas for a HypnoThoughts.Live conference that starts on Friday. I’m spending a couple of days hanging out with some family and friends before I get some serious learning in! Being here reminds me of one of the classes I took at last year’s conference. It was a laughter yoga class. Now you may be wondering how serious can my learning be if I’m take that kind of class. Ha! Ha! Well, it turns out, laughter yoga…

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