Plant for your future and changes now!
Change is surely in the air here in the Northwest.
What about where you are?
Are you noticing how the air is feeling cooler, the evenings are crisp as the days become shorter and shorter?
As the leaves on the trees begin to show off Mother Nature’s brilliance, I can’t help but anticipate the changes that are coming.
No worries, I’m not anxious about these changes. Instead, I’m finding myself curious.
Curious not only about what the next season will be like after our very dry and warm summer here, but also curious about how life will unfold as I start preparing for a new year.
It’s similar to those bulbs I’m getting ready to plant in my garden now in order to witness their beauty in the spring. I have pictures of how they’ll look like, but there is still that wonder about the process of them getting from where they are to where they will be.
There’s a lot that goes on as they transform from a bulb to a flower, the challenges with weather, underground insects and who knows what else that can affect their outcome.
I don’t think Mother Nature is “worrying” about how it will all turn out. She just knows it will. She has the mindset of success!
I’m going to use Mother Nature as my role model now as the season begins to change, and as I plan for the next year.
I have a book, “The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves,” that is ready to be published-I’m now tentatively looking at October 26th for its launch date!
And, as it’s been a long journey and I’m so excited it’s hard to be patient! But, just as Mother Nature is patient as she waits for her changes, I’m doing my best to practice what she does so well.
I know there are great things going to come from this book. I’m creating and designing programs I will be offering my community from the tools and principals of the book. Yet, I don’t know exactly how it will all come about.
Yes, I’m making plans, but at the same time I know it’s important to let go of how it will ultimately show up. That’s the anticipation. That’s the wonder and that is what it takes, I believe, to really be in alignment with attracting what it is you want: you need to feel what it is you want, see it and know without a doubt it will happen, but not necessarily how. That keeps the doors open for receiving those unexpected opportunities.
So, I my wish for you now, as the season is changing, is for you, too to plant right now what it is you want for your new year and your life.
Devise a plan, feel the joy and excitement of it and take inspiring actions, yet allow your anticipation and wonder to be present to all possibilities that can unfold as you mindfully navigate the terrain of your creation.
Now, if you’re feeling stressed out about your life even thinking about planning for your dreams can feel too overwhelming and burdensome.
I have a book that can help! LOL! It’s called the Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves!
There are an abundant of tools all designed to get you feeling more calm and in control of your life. When you use them, you will feel empowered to plant YOUR bulbs of your life so you can discover how your intentions and goals can unfold.
And, there is still time to get your book or books at the pre-launch sale prices before it is actually published.
It will happen soon, so take advantage of this low price of $9.95 instead of $14.95 and get some for your favorite stressed out women family and friends, too! The more you order, the less each book costs!
Click here to ORDER NOW!
If you are ready to have a valuable resource for stress relief and self care in your hands very soon, head on over and check out the link above to get your book ordered now. As soon as it is published, you’ll receive your order shortly after.
I’m including another tool from “The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves” in the article below. Let me know what you think!
I want to re-iterate, even though my book is targeted to women, I know any of the tools will work just as well for you men out there, too!
As always, I invite you to share your thoughts, what you like about the articles, offers, things about hypnosis whatever conversation you’d like to have. I love hearing from you. Let’s dialogue and keep engaged.
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