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Ready to Make THIS Year Extraordinary?

Ready to Make THIS Year Extraordinary?

Ready to Make This New Year Extraordinary? It’s the beginning of a new year and it’s time to hit the refresh and reset buttons! I am totally in on looking forward to a “new” year, as so many people are-especially after the year we just had with the pandemic and all the political and social unease. Yet, as tempting as it is to make a list of all the things I want to achieve this year and call them my New Year’s Resolutions, I haven’t done it, nor will I. Why? Because New Year’s Resolutions…

Symptoms of Inner Peace

Symptoms of Inner Peace

I love this season! And, yes, it’s different this year-that’s for sure. I miss having groups of friends over for some holiday cheer and going to seasonal events. I imagine you have many things you miss this season as well. While the difference this year can cause us distress, it’s important to come back into your “center” and connect to your own “inner peace.” Because that’s exactly what we need in order to keep the holiday spirit alive and meaningful. As I’ve been culling papers and letting go of clutter, I came across a ripped…

Change is hard!

Change is hard!

Let’s get real. Humans are notorious for not liking change. And, this year, we’ve had to deal with lots of changes, right? That can be stressful all on its own. All the uncertainties we’ve faced, maybe even having loved ones or close friends, people we know of…become sick from the virus or worse… Then comes along the holidays and we want nothing else but to feel some normalcy and have them be same. But, we know they can’t be. We know it’s best to keep our gatherings so much smaller this year so we are…

Hopelessness to Happiness!

Hopelessness to Happiness!

If life could be graded, Anthony would give his an F. His job is stressful, especially now that he’s working from home all the time. His teenage daughter is struggling with depression and not being with her friends in school is making it worse. He and his wife are fighting a lot lately, and he hates himself for the extra 50 pounds he’s carrying, as he’s been eating more being at home and feeling the stress of all the pandemic uncertainties. Whew! Anthony feels hopeless and his life seems depressing and dark. All the news…

Perspective is Key!

Perspective is Key!

How you perceive anything matters! A tire swing hangs motionless in the yard. Light from the house casts a donut-shaped shadow on the fence opposite, but as a passing car shines its headlights on the tire’s well-worn tread, a rectangular shadow appears on the other fence. So which was it: a round donut or a rectangle? Of course, we know the answer is neither—and both. It all depends on your perspective. We’ve all heard that perspective is everything. It’s an easy enough thing to believe, but do we really take this lesson to heart? In…

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm Look in any thesaurus, and the synonyms for overwhelm are pretty awful: overpower, subdue, oppress, quash, engulf, swallow, submerge, bury, suffocate. None of those words are very inviting and certainly don’t have me rushing to sign up to experience any of them. I imagine you feel the same way. Yet, to anyone who’s experienced overwhelm, and that’s plenty of us, those words may be all too familiar. Whether the overwhelm is sudden or cumulative, chronic or acute, the feeling is one of drowning, immobility and powerlessness. During those times, everything feels too big.…

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