Weight Release

What is a Portion Anyway?

What is a Portion Anyway? by Jackie Foskett, CH In the arena of weight loss or, as I think of it, weight release , it’s important to understand what a portion is. Overeating is a common problem and many of my Weight Release clients come to their first session aware that their portions are out of control. Although they may be eating healthy foods, they are consuming too much for the body to burn off and are therefore unable to release excess fat and weight. One of the keys to weight loss is portion control—a…

Simple Ways to Get More Movement in Your Life

Simple Ways to Get More Movement in Your Life by Jackie Foskett, CH We all “know” that most Americans need more exercise: we’ve been reading about it, hearing it on the news, and putting it on our long to-do lists. I’d like to enroll you in another way of thinking about exercise—a “reframe.” Our bodies are meant to move. Movement keeps systems functioning properly. The more we move our bodies, the more we burn calories, tone muscles, release toxins and waste, and even increase our metabolism. So, allow the child within—your inner child—to help out…

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