Weight Release

Could you be sabotaging your weight loss goals?

Could You Be Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals? This may surprise you, but one of the things that could be keeping you stuck in the weight loss game, and unknowingly sabotaging yourself is: You have not made a firm decision or commitment to change. You read that right.  Decision.  An absolute decision.  Not a wish, not a fantasy, but a decision to change your life.  Change my life?  I just want to lose some weight you might be saying.  I just want to feel more motivated to go the gym or exercise. Is it…

Diabetes: Lower Your Blood Sugar

Diabetes: Lower Your Blood Sugar by Jackie Foskett, CH Hypnosis positively influences the body as well as the mind. For those with diabetes, regular hypnotherapy sessions can lower blood sugar levels. Here’s how: Hypnotherapy reduces stress, which leads to Lower blood sugar levels, which leads to Stable insulin levels, which leads to Better eating habits, which leads to Weight release, which keeps the whole cycle moving toward better blood sugar levels. The results of hypnotherapy? A more relaxed life, lower blood sugar levels—and ultimately your better health!

Diabetes: 7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help

Diabetes: 7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help by Jackie Foskett, CH Diabetes is one of the world’s fastest growing diseases, but it doesn’t have to be a losing battle in your own life. Hypnotherapy, along with your doctor’s recommendations and guidelines, can be an effective adjunct tool for preventing and/or managing diabetes. Hypnosis can help: Motivate you to follow your doctor’s treatment plan Create the desire for healthy food choices and good eating habits Inspire you to safely begin and continue exercising Teach you new ways to respond to life’s stresses Improve your memory to aid…

Hungry? Stuffed? How Do You Know?

Hungry? Stuffed? How Do You Know? by Jackie Foskett, CH A common challenge I hear from clients entering my Weight Release program is about overeating, or eating when not really hungry. Besides for the emotions that may be driving the unwanted behavior, and using hypnotherapy to assist in getting to the source and making the appropriate changes, you can use a very simple method to begin to know where you are on the hunger verses stuffed scale ! Imagine a Gauge This technique requires you to simply STOP and tune in to your body. Imagine…

What is a Portion Anyway?

What is a Portion Anyway? by Jackie Foskett, CH In the arena of weight loss or, as I think of it, weight release , it’s important to understand what a portion is. Overeating is a common problem and many of my Weight Release clients come to their first session aware that their portions are out of control. Although they may be eating healthy foods, they are consuming too much for the body to burn off and are therefore unable to release excess fat and weight. One of the keys to weight loss is portion control—a…

Simple Ways to Get More Movement in Your Life

Simple Ways to Get More Movement in Your Life by Jackie Foskett, CH We all “know” that most Americans need more exercise: we’ve been reading about it, hearing it on the news, and putting it on our long to-do lists. I’d like to enroll you in another way of thinking about exercise—a “reframe.” Our bodies are meant to move. Movement keeps systems functioning properly. The more we move our bodies, the more we burn calories, tone muscles, release toxins and waste, and even increase our metabolism. So, allow the child within—your inner child—to help out…

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