Stress & Anxiety Relief

Tolerations: A Great source of stress!

What do a boss who’s always yelling at you, your mate’s over-spending habits, a cluttered house or office, tight shoulders and a ho-hum (or bad) relationship have in common?   They’re all tolerations, those little or big things we put up with-often without realizing it-that sap our energy and drain our life force.     Every time we tolerate something, we deplete the energy we could be using to make desired changes or to simply experience joy in our life. It’s like living with a low-grade fever or pain that somehow dulls our experience and…

De-Clutter, Stress and tolerations!

Small signs of spring are beginning to show here in the Northwest. WooHoo!   The days are getting longer, the shoots of the crocuses and daffodils are pushing their way up out of the ground, and the huge wall of white heather in my back yard is starting to slowly bloom into its magnificence.   I’m loving it!  The energy of the coming of spring feels light and inviting!   Speaking of light and inviting, I want to share with you a project I just completed.    My administration office had gotten very very cluttered. …

Love from your heart!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I wish for you a day filled with love generated from within.  As you feel the love within you, others naturally “get” it, too! Show your appreciation and love of yourself by taking good care of you today with this simple exercise. Take a moment to stop and smell the “virtual” roses by taking some good deep breaths.  Focus your attention on your heart. Placing your hand or hands on your heart…continue to breathe slowly and easily. Release and relax with each breath…and think of love. Feel love come in with each…

More from Jackie-Complete 2012 to Create and Design 2013!

Complete 2012-Create & Design 2013 Process This is a modified version of a process I’ve been doing for several years now. It has made a huge difference in how I “do” my life and my business!   If you want to feel complete with the previous year without hanging on to stressful thoughts of what didn’t get done and you want to have new and inspired energy for the new year, do this process. When you take the time to do this, you are putting yourself at the helm of your life. You are taking…

Free Up Your Energy and Stress Less!

As the author of more than 30 books, including the bestselling series Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Dr. Richard Carlson helped millions of people create lives of greater peace, connection and caring by focusing on the more important things in life. The last chapter of one of his books is titled “Live This Day As If It Might Be Your Last. It Might Be!” Ironically and sadly, Carlson died unexpectedly at age 45 on a plane flight to New York.   How better to drive home his point?   We really don’t know how long…

What are you doing with your New Year?

Happy New Year! Again!   Here we are at the end of the first month of 2013!   How’s your year going so far?   Sure seems to be flying by already for me! Realizing how fast time goes gets me really focused on how important it is to be the designer of my life, instead of letting my life happen by default.   This supports me in getting more of what I want!   This year, I’m stepping up the game and designing my life with more play and ease in all I do. …

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