Stress & Anxiety Relief

What Lights You UP?

What Lights You UP?

“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.” ? Oprah Winfrey My Personal Note to You: I have been on a journey that has really “sparked the light” in me. My husband and I went on an amazing 6-week adventure. Just got back and I’m still reveling in the experience. I have definitely had a reset, a refresh, and re-connecting experience! It was all we hoped for and more and more! Of course, there were challenges-especially due to COVID, and this wasn’t…

Laughter Therapy?

Laughter Therapy?

“Laughter is the best medicine” is a saying that has been around a long time. Is that really true? Turns out there are plenty of good things happening when you laugh! Not only do you feel good emotionally, but laughing is a stress buster, can boost your immune system as well as provide other health benefits. Sounds like a fun way to keep the reset, refresh, and re-connecting happening, don’t you think? How’s it work? When you laugh, you intensify your inhalation of oxygen, which provides relaxation to your muscles, as well as stimulates your…

Is Laughter Really All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Is Laughter Really All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

My Personal Note to You: Well, we’ve managed to slip right into October, haven’t we? How are your tools for resetting, refreshing, and re-connecting going? Have you experimented with them? Click here and here to access the first 2 tools on my blog post if you missed them or need a refresher. ? This next tip I’m going to share with you in this series of tips/tools for your Fall Reset is one that you may not even consider a “tool,” but it really is and it works. Laughter & Humor! I’m sure you’ve experienced…

Your Imagination At Its Best

Your Imagination At Its Best

Tool #2-Create a Soothing Calming Image-Your Own Inner Sanctuary! Our imaginations are quite powerful. They can work for us or against us. Did you know, when we are worrying about our lives, feeling anxious, and drumming up all the “what if” scenarios, our imaginations are working very well? And, as you’ve probably experienced, when you are using your imagination this way, your body feels tense, you might get irritated easily and you may feel less than your best self. In this heightened state of worry, stress, and anxiety, your body is reacting to all the…

Have You Pushed the Reset Button?

Have You Pushed the Reset Button?

My Personal Note to You: Happy Fall to those of you in the Northern Hemisphere. Love this season here in the Pacific Northwest. The leaves of trees and shrubs put on a beautiful display of color and vibrancy, the air gets crisp and clear and as we humans watch Mother Nature’s transition, we can take this time to get focused on what it is we want to create for the rest of the year. In the last Mind Matters e-news, I started a series of Tips to Reset, Refresh and Re-Connect based on the tools…

The First Tool You Must Have & Do To Reset, Refresh, & Re-connect!

The First Tool You Must Have & Do To Reset, Refresh, & Re-connect!

Tool #1-The Focused Calm Breath I have talked about and shared this very vital tool numerous times in my eNews. It is the first tool all my clients learn to use consciously, yet it still warrants the first place to begin this journey of resetting, refreshing, and re-connecting. The American Institute of Stress deems focused calm breathing as a Super stress buster. It is well known and documented how it triggers the Relaxation Response, which is a term coined by Herbert Benson, a professor, cardiologist, author, and founder of Harvard’s Mind/Body Medical Institute. When the…

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