You can make this Holiday Season easier!

Many of us find ourselves in the hustle and bustle craziness that comes along with this part of the year: The Holidays!

The workshop program I offered at the beginning of the month, delved deeply into tools and strategies for an easier more peaceful holiday season.

As there is still time to change things up, I want to offer you a few easy tips over the next couple of e-newsletters to support you in Keeping Your Sanity this Holiday Season and enjoying this last part of the year.

Quick and Simple:

Tip #1Stop and take stock of your stress and anxiety levels.

With so much on your plate, it can be too easy to just keep going through the motions of trying to get it all done…and not get how it’s all impacting you.

So you need to STOP!

When we stop for a few minutes and assess how we are FEELING in our bodies, we can begin to bring into our consciousness where we’re at, instead of being on automatic, just pushing and pushing ourselves.

Stop, take a few deep breaths.

Bring your thumb and forefinger together as you inhale, then allow them to separate as you exhale.

Do this a few times.

Then ask yourself: How am I feeling?

You may a bit more grounded and calm at the moment, but you’ll also feel a bit more clear headed, giving you the opportunity to really assess how your body, mind and spirit have been handling all this over busyness.

It’s from this place of awareness that you can make changes that feel aligned with how you really WANT to feel.

Do you need to cut down on holiday activities?

Do you need to ask for help?

Perhaps you need to do more shopping online instead of braving the crowds at the stores?

Maybe you even need to take a day off and simply rest from all the hustle and bustle?

There’s still time to shift the habit of thinking what you “should” be doing to what you choose to do this holiday season that has you feeling good, instead of frazzled!

It all starts with YOU…taking this small amount of time to stop, notice how you are feeling and take some small action to change what isn’t working.

It can mean the difference of feeling like a burned-out Scrooge or a happy elf who enjoys what you’ve chosen to partake in! ?

More tips coming in next few e-news!

Meanwhile, I can help you with some of that gift buying!

Nope, won’t be buying them for you, LOL, but I can highly recommend:

My book:
The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves as a gift to give your women friends who could use to have their own personal stress and anxiety relief toolbox on hand. They’ll love you for it!

It’s now selling on Amazon for a 24% off the regular price.

Here’s the link:

You may also want to check out my audio store on my website.

Audio Products for you and your loved ones!

You’ll find a selection of downloadable audios that will help anyone wanting to get more sleep, get rid of excess weight, have less stress, anxiety and more inner calm, as well as a whole package of audios to support moms-new and experienced!

There’s something for everyone who needs some TLC for the mind, body and spirit!

You purchase the product (s), then get the link to the product (s), copy and send it to the person (s) on your list!


Here’s the link again:

That’s it for now!

Wishing you a grounded and calm week as you Stop, take notice and take good care of YOU!



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