Is Happiness Eluding You?

Is Happiness Eluding You?

Quote on happiness:

“Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ” ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Here we are in April. A quarter of the year is already passed and I know it’s an often over used term, but it does seem like time really does fly by faster and faster.

Does it to you, too?

I’m welcoming Spring here in the northern hemisphere, as it’s a chance to experience Nature re-awakening and giving us quite a show of all her beauty.

Even though it’s Spring, we still can expect a variety of weather conditions, especially here in the Pacific Northwest.

One day it’s in the high 50’s or low 60’s, then we’re down into the 40’s again by the end of the week.

It’s interesting to watch all the flowers and trees blossom out right now, seemingly quite happy to grow, even if the weather is not always cooperating.

We can learn a lot from Mother Nature. She exudes a natural ability to be resilient in the face of so many ups and downs from one season to the next.

That’s a common trait of people who are happy, too.

They’re resilient and are able to navigate the many twists and turns of life feeling secure and safe in who they are and confident that things will work out, even if not how they may have envisioned it initially.

Not everyone can say that. Not everyone has a solid foundation of happiness.

Studies are showing that we are getting more and more unhappy.


You’d think with all the “things” we have in our lives and the accomplishments we make individually and collectively, that we’d be extremely happy.

Well, turns out, things and accomplishments don’t get us happiness.

Yes, they may make our lives more comfortable and we can get temporarily happy when we buy new clothes, a new car, a new phone, or a new home…but that feeling of happiness generally fades and we find ourselves wanting more and/or telling ourselves we’ll be happy again “when” we lose weight, when we get that best job, etc.

So, what is happiness anyway?

Seems like we humans are always in pursuit of it-what are we pursuing?

Happiness is a state of being. And, it takes consciousness and intention to BE happy.

Yes, some people are more naturally happier than others-but we all can be happy.

And, as a very wise woman, Marci Shimoff says in her book: Happy for No Reason-we can be happy for NO reason-just because!

Now, this doesn’t mean if you are happy, you’ll be laughing all day long or grinning non stop.

You might be, but you might also encounter lots of life’s hills to climb and valleys to sink into and have to climb back out of again.

But, when you have a solid foundation of happiness-that state of being-you are able to handle it so much easier, recover faster and be ready to move forward, instead of looking back and renumerating about negative past events.

Most people, when asked what’s most important to them, say: “I want to be happy.”

I think that’s natural. And, I believe it’s in our innate essence to be happy.

Yet so many people feel stuck in how to BE happy, really happy, deep down.

Stress and anxiety are big deterrents to our happiness.

You’d be hard pressed not to hear anyone talking about how stressed they are or how anxious they’re feeling these days. Perhaps you are experiencing a lot of stress yourself.

With all we’ve experienced over the last 2-3 years during the pandemic, stress and anxiety levels have risen and are taking a toll on people’s well being.

I’d like to help.

I’m offering a FREE 5 Day Happiness Challenge!

This coincides beautifully with April’s Stress Awareness Month.

As you upgrade your happiness levels, you decrease your stress (and anxiety).

During these 5 days, you’ll learn new habits, practice them and experience how those everyday stresses no longer need to run your life.

As a result: you’ll feel the lightness of being happier.

Each day, you’ll receive an email with a theme and a task/assignment to complete.

I’ll be doing a “live” FB each day, too.

You’ll be building your foundation of happiness, so that at the end of the 5 days, you’ll know a new level of happiness and have new habits to practice to keep building on that foundation.

When we feel happy, there’s an innate freedom and joy that fills our lives.

I’m in for that, how about you?

The Challenge starts on Monday, April 10th and ends on Friday, April 14th.

It’s easy to participate, just go here to enroll.

As soon as you register, you’ll receive a welcome letter that explains all the details.

Oh, and there’s a free audio gift link that you’ll find in the welcome letter.

The audio will support you in starting on your happiness challenge!

I hope to see you in the Happiness Challenge.

Really, the world needs more happiness and your happiness will be a wonderful contribution.

If you know anyone else (who couldn’t use to be truly happy?) please share this with them.

Here’s the link to enroll and share around. The more the merrier!

My heart and soul is happy to share this FREE 5 Day Happiness Challenge with you.











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