Hypnodontics: Dental Hypnosis and more!

Hypnodontics: Dental Hypnosis and more!
Calm Dental Experience

Having been a practicing dental hygienist for 35 years, I know the majority of the patients who come into a dental office are not thrilled to be there and often carry a lot of anxiety and fear around having any dental procedures done!

I learned early on in my career how important it is to be sure a dental patient is comfortable and relaxed as possible.

None the less, I still encountered some challenges, as I know most dental professionals do, in dealing with a patient’s dental fear and anxiety.

My training and work as a hypnotherapist that started in 1999, provided me with advanced skills to help my my patients even more. I very often used a combination of guided relaxation, visualization as well as other techniques to guide and support my patients in having a comfortable and calm experience.

In the past, I’ve presented trainings to dental health professionals so they could learn new techniques to help give dental patients the best care possible.

Now, I’ve joined in on a new area of dental hypnosis, created by Juan Acosta, called Hypnodontics.
Juan and his business partner, Dave Berman, are out to change the dental experience, not only for the patients but for the entire staff.

I’m excited to be re-entering into this arena, as it’s been 1.5 years since I retired from clinical dental hygiene practice and a while longer since I’ve been a consultant/trainer in dental offices.

I am available to support anyone who has any dental fear issues, TMJ issues, or is wanting to just have a better experience at the dental office.

Also, your dental office may very well be interested in learning how they can be their best support to you in this manner, so if you know your dentist or hygienist would love to learn more, please refer them to either myself or Juan & Dave at


You can also visit my website page:

Calming Dental Anxiety.

A makeover is coming soon, but this will give you a start.

As a HOPE Coach, my role as a Hypnodontist, will bring new Hope to anyone with dental anxiety or any office who hopes to serve their patients in a new more empowering manner.



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