Featured Articles

Making Heart-Friendly Choices by Jackie Foskett, CH Heart-friendly lifestyle choices don’t have to be a struggle. Here are some simple ways you can protect your heart—and feel great about yourself. Move your Body According to the February 2007 Natural Health article “Lock in Your Heart Health” by Catherine Guthrie, moving your body is a must for a healthy heart. Exercise releases nitric oxide, a substance that lowers blood pressure. This chemical also soothes inflamed arteries, which helps keep sticky plaque from adhering to blood vessel walls. How much should you exercise to maintain heart health?…

Caring for Your Heart Today by Jackie Foskett, CH What is the most important thing you can do right now to care for your heart? Affirm your love for YOU! The tips on gratitude featured in my January newsletter make a great beginning. In your daily gratitude practice, try being grateful for – The heart you have, whatever its current condition – The body you have, whether it’s your “ideal” or not – The eyes you’re using to read this newsletter – Your current state of health, even if it’s not optimal Now, stop. Take…

A Tale of Two Stories by Jackie Foskett, CH This exercise will help you experience the power of language to influence your outlook. Choose some aspect of your life to describe–finding a mate, landing your dream job, losing weight. Start by telling your story in negative terms: I can’t (limiting); I shouldn’t (constricting); it’s killing me (depressing/violent); I’m a jerk, fat, stupid (degrading). For example: I’ll never be able to lose all that weight. Finding a great partner is too hard. All the good ones are taken. My job is killing me, but it’s impossible…

List Your Strengths by Jackie Foskett, CH Ready to focus on your strengths and trade in fear for a healthy dose of happiness and well-being? Let this exercise be the first step. Start by sitting quietly for a few minutes and observing yourself. Be present to all the positive aspects of who you are. Maybe you know yourself to be a loyal friend, a fantastic gardener or a loving parent. Maybe you’ve built a successful career or have become a respected leader. Think about this exercise as coming from your spirit, not your ego. It’s…

4 Quick Tips for Personal Power by Jackie Foskett, CH So, go ahead and reclaim your personal power this month. Here’s how to get started: #1 – Decide to stop being unhappy De-hypnotize yourself from beliefs that no longer serve you. Contact me if you need support. #2 – Take responsibility. Responsibility for having fun, that is! Play, relax, take a vacation, grab some quiet time. #3 – Feel your power. Relish the feeling of taking control of your life and the happiness that follows. #4 – Welcome ease into your life. It’s like floating…

4 Quick Tips for Choosing by Jackie Foskett, CH #1 – Choose awareness Do you ever reach the end of your day and feel like it all went by in a blur? Chances are a lot went by unnoticed–including many thoughts and feelings that positively or negatively impact your happiness. By choosing to stop periodically throughout the day, you can heighten your awareness in this area. Simply take a moment now and then to ask yourself how you’re feeling. Frustrated? Sad? Angry? Joyful? Excited? Calm? As you notice your feelings, you can use them to…

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