Featured Articles

Stress Relief Tool #3

This is part 3 of a series of stress relief tools which are part of my upcoming book on stress relief. These tools are designed to use quickly and easily to give you relief from stress and get you back on the path of feeling in control and more calm. Stress Relief Tool #3–Create a soothing calming image When you begin to feel the tension of stress and find yourself ready to go down the tunnel of upset and despair, if you have an image of a soothing calming place already set up in your…

Back from Europe and welcome Summertime!

I started my “summertime mode” early this year when my husband and I left for a long extended vacation on May 12th.   We just got back on June 20th.  I’ve been slowly getting my “grounding” back into my world here in my home in the Seattle area. It was a journey of many adventures. I feel so fortunate to have experienced this type of extended travel time that was planned and organized by my husband and myself. It wasn’t always easy…sometimes things didn’t go as planned and sometimes it just felt like hard work…

Simple Stress Relief Tool #2!

This is a 3 part series of simple stress relief tools to support you easily and quickly in getting rid of stress.  Stress Relief Tool #2-The Stop Sign!   This is really simple, but very effective. When those those monkey mind worry thoughts start taking over, or when you start noticing that you are feeling on edge, feeling tense and generally ready to burst….picture a big STOP SIGN in front of you. I love the acronym of STOP!  This is a perfect image! Use it to STOP those runaway negative thoughts and feelings. You get…

May Reminders

To keep you feeling more in control of those triggers that get you stressed out, be sure to use the the next stress relief tool #2 that is now available for you. Remember to visit the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise online event, if you haven’t done so already, as it’s ending on the 20th. I’d love to get your comments on my blog/featured articles, as I will be logging on every so often to stay connected while out of office! If you are wanting a bonus Stress Relief tool, be sure to check out “Writing…

A Simple Stress Relief Tool!

This is the first part of a series of simple stress relief tools you can use easily, quickly and get the relief you need.   Stress Relief Tool #1: Focused Breathing! Breathe Consciously! Even though you’ve heard this from me often, it is really the first thing you need to focus on to get some relief from those stressful thoughts and distressing feelings. The great thing about this “tool” is that it can be practiced anywhere and anytime!  It’s well documented in its ability to provide quick relief to your body and mind. When stressed, we…

Exciting News!

Ah…I love this time in the Northwest. Spring is showing off her lovely colors and blossoms. The greens are brilliant and it seems there is color everywhere. I also love how it keeps changing almost daily as Mother Nature births the fruits of her winter labor. Wherever you are, I hope you are seeing and experiencing Mother Nature’s beauty, too. I hope her creations are inspiring you to be present to what she offers and what you, too can create when you focus on what lights you up and engages you. As Spring is certainly…

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