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With September already in full swing and summer coming to a close, it’s a great time to get focused on what’s up for the rest of the year. Yes, we are at the last quarter of the year and as we all know, this last part seems to fly by even faster than all the other months! I hope you used your summer to play and relax because, that is, in my opinion, what summers are for. But now, as it’s “back in school” time, you may be ready to tackle some things you’ve put…

Here’s another funny one-Laughter yoga!

I hope you got in some relaxation time on Saturday for National Relaxation Day! Right now I’m in Las Vegas for a HypnoThoughts.Live conference that starts on Friday. I’m spending a couple of days hanging out with some family and friends before I get some serious learning in! Being here reminds me of one of the classes I took at last year’s conference. It was a laughter yoga class. Now you may be wondering how serious can my learning be if I’m take that kind of class. Ha! Ha! Well, it turns out, laughter yoga…

Who Knew? It’s National Relaxation Day! Ahhh….

Ezine buzz and excitement builders for book Subject: National Relaxation Day! Who knew? Saturday, August 15th is National Relaxation Day! Wouldn’t it be great to have relaxation already built into your life and without having a holiday to remind you of its importance? I think so. I know from my own personal experience, as well as in the work I do with my clients, how vital it is to cultivate relaxation and down time as part of your lifestyle. So, how do you cultivate relaxation to be part of your lifestyle and not something you…

My Story about my book!

You see that picture to your right? Well, that’s been me at times as I’ve written this book on stress relief! It’s rather embarrassing to say this, but it’s true. I’ve gotten just a little stressed out during this entire process, which has seemed long, at least to me. I’ve been told many authors take up to 5 years to write a book, but that story didn’t seem to make any difference to me. I often felt like a failure in the book writing/publishing department. That’s changed now. Yes, I’m getting closer, dare I say…

How’s your summer going? I’m loving mine!

It’s been an amazing summer here in the Northwest. Some might say it’s been a bit too warm for the NW comfort zone, but I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve made sure I’ve taken time-outs to play, eat outside and relish the warmth. I know it doesn’t last, so I’ve decided to appreciate whatever we get. I hope your summer is going well and you are making sure you take time out for fun and leisure. Taking time-outs and playing are all good things to do to keep stress at bay. They are included in my book…

Hit Your Reset Button by Nancy Carlstrom

Half of 2015 is just about behind us – unbelievable! If you’ve forgotten about the dreams and desires you had at the beginning of the year, it’s not too late to wake up and hit your reset button. Trading in your current familiar zone for a year worth celebrating and owning the bragging rights to just six quick months from now is worth the effort. Here are some simple ways you can refresh your life and re-inspire yourself: CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF – What in your life still has you hungry for more, is causing…

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