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The Power of a Story!

I’ve been pretty busy with all sorts of things-clients, house projects, family….and been amiss in connecting for a while. Well, that’s my story anyhow. Let’s talk about the stories we tell ourselves–and others! The Power of A Story! When you look at this picture, what comes to mind for you? Are you thinking: she’s crazy-that’s dangerous? wow, wish I had the guts to do THAT? Or that looks like fun? There are many other “stories” you could tell about this photo, and since you don’t have much information, just the photo, you really are making…

Change The Way You See It

When You Can’t Change It, Change the Way You See It   Environmental Stress Environmental stress is the stress that you can do absolutely nothing about. This includes things like the weather, traffic, and being stuck in the slowest line at the post office. Since there is not much we can do about environmental stressors, an effective way to deal with them is to let go of the hold they have on us and reframe the experience. Here are a 2 simple ways to re-frame an environmental stressor: Gratitude: For example, instead of being overwhelmed…

Is it A High or Low Priority?

Oftentimes, when feeling stressed, our minds go into overdrive and everything on the “to do” list can feel like it was suppose to have been done yesterday! This naturally leads to even more feelings of distress and overwhelm. Worries will start to creep in and all those “what-if’s” will start dancing around our heads. What to do? STOP, BREATHE, ASK! This is the perfect time to STOP!! Just shouting in your head STOP!! can give you a moment’s reprieve to regain a bit of balance. Or you can imagine a STOP sign or even a…

Heart Focused Breathing For YOU!

Feeling stressed, anxious, or worried can upset your heart’s natural coherent rhythms, which in turn send electromagnetic signals to the brain to release stress hormones. By focusing in on your heart as you breathe and engaging in a positive emotional feeling, you are supporting your heart’s innate intelligence to get back into a state of coherence. This quick exercise is a modified version on “The Quick Coherence Technique” created by The Heart Math Institute, and is Stress Relief Tool #4 in my book: The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But…

Identify Your Stress!

Would you be surprised to discover that stress has been named as an underlying factor in up to 90% of illnesses? Would you be surprised to find that most of the people around you feel stressed much of the time? One of the best ways to manage stress in your life is to first become aware of exactly what it is that causes you stress, because if you can name the stressor, then you can take the necessary steps to minimize or eliminate it. One technique for dealing with stress is called, “Name It, Tame…

Resolutions are So Old School!

Happy End of January! Wow, January flew in and out quite quickly, eh? Ok, did you do that thing at the start of this year? You know that annual ritual of making New Year’s Resolutions that are usually based on a foundation of shame, of negating some part of yourself, with intentions of trying to fix you instead of creating what and who it is you really want to expand into? Well, if you did, how’s it going? This can be the time when you begin to wonder why the heck you chose that for…

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