Featured Articles

The Summertime Mode!!

The Summertime Mode!!

Summer is a time we most often associate with relaxation, less busy schedules and fun times.Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Many people are still “doing” busy hectic schedules and may even find it more stressful because it’s “suppose to be” a time of fun and relaxation. Learn how to get into my signature “Summertime Mode” mindset with a special summer program-that’s short, sweet and will have you smiling in the sun in no time at all-no matter what you have going on in your life! This “Summertime Mode” program is just 2 sessions,…

Podcasts & Interviews

Podcasts & Interviews

Mind Body Connection: Stress Reduction Techniques for Overall Well-being with Jackie Foskett, RDH ~ from Beyond the Prophy®, Episode 63   It was an honor and pleasure to be interviewed by Jasmin Haley of Beyond the Prophy! Even if you are not in the dental field, I know there are some gems in here for you, too! Would love to hear your comments below!     Podcast Interview with April Mahoney of “On The Edge with April Mahoney” a Blogtalkradio program. Jackie Foskett from dental hygiene to hypnotherapy and the healing in between https://www.blogtalkradio.com/aprilmahoney/2019/07/11/jackie-foskett-from-dental-hygiene-to-hypnotherapy-and-the-healing-in-between?fbclid=IwAR1dB3bYIvnmbreTi_AOEjx5oX6Okixijq03q8WqAMpgddab8QcAdMilbZQ  

Spring Letting Go Process

Spring Letting Go Process

I’ve been doing a “letting go” process. It’s based on a Feng Shui practice of letting go of 27 items for 9 days. The premise of this practice is when you declutter and let go of “things” on a conscious level, you are getting rid of not only the “stuff” but the energetic weight of all that “stuff” that’s been hanging out in your space. I immediately felt good and lighter upon embarking on this process. I had old magazines, books, papers, cards, linens and knickknacks, among other things, that were long overdue for a…

How To Get What You Want This Year!

How To Get What You Want This Year!

  How’s the beginning of your new year going so far? Are you excited about what is possible? Or are you in “wish” mode? Are you wishing you’ll: Feel less overwhelmed this year? Be more in control of what feels like a chaotic life? Finally not have all that anxiety and unease sitting on your shoulders? Lose that darn 10, 20, 30 pounds you wished you lost last year? Find yourself having more fun and enjoying your life this year? Wishing and hoping won’t change what you want to change or have happen in this…

The Holidays Used to Stress Me Out!

I used to get quite stressed and anxious around the holidays. It wasn’t because anything negative happened to me when I was younger or even as an adult at this time of the year. Instead it was more about the expectations I put on myself. I’ve always really loved the Christmas holidays. I grew up on Long Island, New York and it seems there was always so much going on for the holidays not only for my family, but so many other families, too.   My parents did it up big when my sisters and…

Tell Your Truth!

When you are thinking about making changes and when that feels scary, it helps to “tell your truth,” identify what are your fears, worries and concerns about making the change you want. By “telling your truth,” by acknowledging your feelings, your fears and the negative thoughts around change, you are positioning yourself to really “see” what can hold you back from making those changes. It can feel embarrassing to look at why you’re so afraid of making a change. But it is important to do it, otherwise, you might set yourself up for staying stuck!…

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