Featured Articles

Why is change so scary?

Fall is the season of change. As I look out my window each day, I can see the subtle and not so subtle changes taking place. Leaves are slowly changing their colors. They are getting ready for the time when they will let go and descend down to the ground to transform into mulch or simply disintegrate. The air is beginning to become more crisp and we are starting our rainy season here in the Northwest. Yes, change is in the air! It’s the cycle of change that Mother Nature goes through every few months.…

August 15th is National Relaxation Day!

It’s National Relaxation Day! Perhaps you’ve never heard of this holiday…well, I hadn’t either until a few years ago. It fits perfectly into my passion to support more people in having less stress and more relaxation in mind body and spirit! Here’s some “fun” information I gleaned from the http://www.holidayscalendar.com/event/national-relaxation-day/. (in italics) I have added my thoughts! (non italic!) National Relaxation Day – celebrated on August 15th every year – is a holiday for people to take a break from their hectic lives and to smell the proverbial roses. On this holiday, people are encouraged…

Get Support!

Ready to be more mindful, less stressed, worried and anxious? Then you are ready to discover how you can do that! As you enjoy your summertime mode, with your new skills of mindfulness, (read previous blog posts) you may be aware you’d like to have more focus in being this way (more mindful) and you’d really like to get rid of those old ways of being and thinking (mind full of “stuff!) that keep popping up and aren’t serving you very well. Hypnotherapy and Hypno-Coaching is the perfect venue to accomplish this. And, as I…

Mindfulness 101

Follow these 7 easy steps and notice how quickly you can become mindful! Step #1-DECIDE you want to become mindful When we decide to do something, we are telling ourselves we are committed and we engage our minds in this “new” decision Step #2-STOP and pause. Stopping and pausing for a moment in whatever we are doing, brings our attention to the activity and forms a natural “break” from the autopilot program we were on. Step #3-Breathe consciously. Breathing with focus allows that stop and pause to continue and gives us the opportunity to elevate…

What is Mindfulness Anyway?

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s definition is spot on. It is about paying attention-purposefully and especially without judgement. When we are in a mindful state, we are being an observer and curious about how we are feeling, what we are thinking and what we are doing. Being mindful means directing our attention to the experience as it unfolds-instead of thinking of what is on the do list. Interestingly, when we practice being mindful consistently, it trains us to respond skillfully/appropriately to whatever is happening-positive or negative. Being mindful, improves our thought processes-keeps us out of the “same ole,…

Mind full or Mindful? Where are you?

I am a big fan of being in summertime mode and those of you who have been in my community for a while know that about me. And, you know, I’m wanting that for you too! But, I must confess, this year, so far, I’ve been “off” quite a bit in getting there. I’ve had my mind full of lots to do. Much too much! And, I haven’t been as mindful of how much I was putting on my plate! Oh dear! And, now it seems like summer is shortly coming to an end! Yikes!…

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