Stress & Anxiety Relief

Welcome to the Season of Holidays!

It’s that time of the year again! My experience this time of the year can either be lots of ho ho ho-ing or OMG where is the time going and how am I going to get everything done? I have always loved the holiday season.  Show me anything  with red, green or other sparkly colors and I get all a ga-ga.  Add in the playful (Santa) and elegant (Angels) symbols of the season, and I’m in holiday heaven. Yet, if I’m not being conscious about how to “do” the holidays, I can end up being…

A Quick Survey for my book!

As stress relief is my “specialty”, I am excited to be in the process of writing a book on stress relief. I need your feedback on what questions you’d want answered if you are a woman who either has had the experience, or is currently in the experience, of putting yourself last while taking care of everyone else’s needs, feel stressed out and would welcome some relief. The answers are simple yes, no, or “possibly” with an option to make a comment on the topic at the end. Survey It should only take 3-5 minutes.…

5 Tips to De-clutter Your Mind!

 “It’s not easy to stop and smell the roses. We’ve trained ourselves to always be thinking ahead.  But if you never live in and FULLY ENJOY the present, what kind of life are you living?” From Donna Smallin’s “One-Minute Organizer to Unclutter Your Mind: 500 Ways to Focus on What’s Important” In our fast paced 24/7 world we live in, it’s challenging to have minds free of all the endless things to do, information to know, places to go, worries for the future and what’s everyone doing on Facebook! As much as some of these…

Octobers’s Personal Note on Fall Changes!

I’m in heaven looking out my office window from my home and seeing the gorgeous fall colors on the trees on our street.   It seems as though they are changing right before my eyes!   This is the season of change, that’s for sure….Nature in her wisdom is getting ready for the winter of her cycle.   As I write this, it occurs to me that is exactly what I’ve been up to as well.   I’ve been out in the yard on the weekends, trimming away spent flowers, shaping the new growth on…

Break the Habit of Stress and Get Relief NOW-A powerful free teleseminar

  Here are some important questions for you:   Do you frequently feel overwhelmed ? Do you find yourself worrying over and over again about the same things? Are you constantly reaching for your favorite comfort food, even when you’re not hungry? And…… Are you noticing how all those “little” annoyances seem to be making you more and more grumpy? What about your body? Do you often feel tense and sore in your shoulders, neck or get tension headaches? Do you find yourself laying awake at night with racing thoughts of what needs to be…

I had such a great summer!

Wow, here we are in September already!       I had such a great summer.   The weather here in the Northwest was some of the best I can remember since moving here 15 years ago.   I hope you had a great summer as well, no matter what the weather.   Most of all, I certainly hope you got to do “play”, relax and have fun and be in “summertime mode”.   My “summertime mode” ended with an Alaskan cruise with my husband’s family as we celebrated his mother’s 80th birthday!   There were 21…

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