
Diabetes: 7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help by Jackie Foskett, CH Diabetes is one of the world’s fastest growing diseases, but it doesn’t have to be a losing battle in your own life. Hypnotherapy, along with your doctor’s recommendations and guidelines, can be an effective adjunct tool for preventing and/or managing diabetes. Hypnosis can help: Motivate you to follow your doctor’s treatment plan Create the desire for healthy food choices and good eating habits Inspire you to safely begin and continue exercising Teach you new ways to respond to life’s stresses Improve your memory to aid…

Imagine you are standing in front of a full-length mirror. Naked. You have been asked to gaze at yourself for two minutes. Now take a quick inventory of the feelings that were aroused by this suggestion. Did you feel curious or afraid? Interested or hesitant? Willing or unwilling? Or did you reject the whole idea as something you would absolutely never do? Imagining the experience gives you an indication of your level of self-acceptance; actually doing it will tell you even more. Self-acceptance is an action; it is something we do, not just something we…

Habitual lateness. Extreme disorganization. Not following up sales leads. Eating foods not on your food plan. Self-sabotage takes on a variety of guises and affects people of all ages, professions and economic levels. But it always leads to our not living the life we want for ourselves. Take this Self-Quiz to see where you you might be working against yourself. There’s no scoring, it simply will allow you to see where you may be working against yourself instead of for yourself. It takes me at least a half hour to locate a document I need…

Spring’s Invitation to YOU! by Jackie Foskett, CH Welcome to Spring!  Ah…such a great time of the year.  I love how Spring shows us the beauty of Mother Nature and her renewal capacity as leaves unfold and color bursts forth. There is an energy in the air that speaks highly of hope and possibility.  It’s refreshing after a long winter of Mother Nature’s hibernation, when she was resting and restoring.  I still get amazed each and every year at the grandeur of results she produces after seemingly lying dormant and doing “nothing” for all that…

Happy Holidays! I love the Holidays, yet I’m always amazed at how quickly they seem to come around each year. I attribute this “time distortion” to my full life and the many choices I have in what I do and experience on a daily basis. I love having a life rich and abundant with so many possibilities. And…those many possibilities can be overwhelming if I lose my focus on what it is I really want. What I want is to feel alive, passionate, engaged, connected with others and be at ease in my experiences. If…

The benefits of feeling appreciation and gratitude are numerous. Yet, we often get distracted by what we don’t have in our lives, which keeps us feeling less joy, more discouraged and sometimes even resigned to a life of “nothing ever changes”. I have found that a regular practice of appreciation/gratitude is necessary for my own health and well being and an important component of my clients’ ability to transform their lives. It is in the presence of what we have that we allow more to come in. It works beautifully with the Law of Attraction.…

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