Featured Articles

Summertime mode is back!

Yeah, it’s Summer! It’s my favorite time of the year! Somehow, no matter how long I’ve been around on the planet, and even though I no longer get an entire summer off like when I was in school, I still relate to summer as playtime, fun in the sun time, being outdoors and relaxing time. I associate summer with time for leisure, time for letting go of the big to-do list and time that just disappears….. I have happy memories of summertime where I grew up on Long Island being carefree and indulging in creative…

Happy Father’s Day!

So often, the subject of being overwhelmed and #stressed out is targeted to women, who seem to be the ones who are the most stressed, overwhelmed, over scheduled and not taking care of themselves but don’t ever miss out on taking care of others. All this is true and I like to focus my attention to women who do seem to be in a greater need to hear the messages of self care and have tools to support them. Yet, With #Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I know there are many dads/men who also…

Optimize Your Life Energy: Be Fully Engaged This summer (and every season!)

As the author of more than 30 books, including the bestselling series Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Dr. Richard Carlson helped millions of people create lives of greater peace, connection and caring by focusing on the more important things in life. The last chapter of one of his books is titled “Live This Day As If It Might Be Your Last. It Might Be!” Ironically and sadly, Carlson died unexpectedly at age 45 on a plane flight to New York. How better to drive home his point? We really don’t know how long we have…

Empowerment Living Gift Giveaway!

Have I got some exciting news for you today! You can now get instant access to 100s of downloadable self-help gifts at NO COST to you. Yep, you heard me right…for FREE! All you have to do is go here: Empowered Living Gifts Instead of waiting until “later” to get support, check out all these fabulous gifts that will empower you into feeling lighter and more connected to your best healthiest self! Empowered Living Gifts Giveaway hosted by Carolyn Hansen, Joe Rubino and special guest host John Cho will be open for a VERY LIMITED…

April Is Stress Awareness Month!

Being overwhelmed and stressed out is taxing on both a mental, emotional and physical level. The negative impact of stress reaches far and wide in our culture of busyness, noise, and connectivity. Some medical experts report 85-90% of all illnesses have stress as an underlying factor! That’s huge! What are your stressors? During this month of Stress Awareness, take some time to explore what triggers you to feel stress. Do you find yourself always complaining about the traffic and how irritating it is? Do the lines in the stores have you sighing and feeling impatient?…

Create More Space in your life!

Create More Space in your life and have less busyness!   One of the things I’m most passionate about is guiding people in how to live their lives with less stress and more joy. Our culture seems to be rife with being overworked, overcommitted, overstressed, and over-busy. Just think back to the last few people you greeted. When you asked them how they were, was their response, “I’ve been so busy!”? Maybe someone asked you how you were doing and that was exactly how you answered. I’ve caught myself doing it and I don’t like…

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