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Identify Your Stress!

Would you be surprised to discover that stress has been named as an underlying factor in up to 90% of illnesses? Would you be surprised to find that most of the people around you feel stressed much of the time? One of the best ways to manage stress in your life is to first become aware of exactly what it is that causes you stress, because if you can name the stressor, then you can take the necessary steps to minimize or eliminate it. One technique for dealing with stress is called, “Name It, Tame…

Resolutions are So Old School!

Happy End of January! Wow, January flew in and out quite quickly, eh? Ok, did you do that thing at the start of this year? You know that annual ritual of making New Year’s Resolutions that are usually based on a foundation of shame, of negating some part of yourself, with intentions of trying to fix you instead of creating what and who it is you really want to expand into? Well, if you did, how’s it going? This can be the time when you begin to wonder why the heck you chose that for…

Are you Allowing Joy in?

Question for this week: Are you allowing Joy into your life? Welcome to week 3 of Stress Relief tips and audios for the holidays! I just learned a new word this week: Stressmas! I laughed out loud when I saw it on a post from a colleague. Unfortunately, it does seem to fit the season. How can we change that up-even just a bit? I know, it’s a busy time of the year with added on things to do amidst the already full loads most of us carry during our daily lives. Yet, I believe…

Take 5 for Holiday De-Stressing!-An Audio Gift for You!

Self care is high on my priority list for myself and coaching for my clients. Yet, it still can be especially challenging during the holidays! I find myself getting caught up in the OMG there’s not enough time in the day syndrome. Can you relate? I get all enthused for the many things I want to do during the holidays, yet it can start to feel like it’s all too much, if I don’t take even 5 minutes to mentally and emotionally plan my day. I don’t mean as in a to-do list, but instead…

The Holidays:To Stress or Not to Stress! Free Gift For YOU!

Thoughts to Share: I’m amazed it’s been 2 years since I published my book: The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves! just a little over 2 years ago now! Wow! Sometimes I find it hard to believe it’s already been published that long! At one time, I thought it might never happen! Talk about stress! Boy did I ever have to apply these tools for myself during those times of doubt and deadlines! It did happen and I’ve enjoyed hearing from people who have read it and used it…

Accessing The Powering of Gratitude!

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery. But while we may acknowledge gratitude’s many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. So many of us are trained to notice what is broken, undone or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential…

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