April is Chock Full of Awareness Month
Did you know April is a month chock full of “awarenesses?” I didn’t! Until I remembered it is Stress Awareness Month. And, then I researched what else might April bring our awareness to. Well, turns out there are many, but there are three that I feel is important to focus on. Stress Awareness Emotional Overeating Awareness Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness. All 3 of these can be helped with hypnosis/hypnotherapy. And, all 3 have stress and anxiety as a common denominator. Stress and anxiety almost always trigger and exacerbate emotional overeating and IBS. As we…
Why Your Mind is Your Best Weight Loss Tool
Did you know that the battle for fitness is waged in the mind? It is. It doesn’t matter how many diet books you buy, what kind of gym membership you have or how great of a calorie counter you are– all of these things take a back seat to the importance of your mindset when it comes to shedding pounds and getting fit. This is because losing weight is not something that happens overnight, and it is not something that comes about as the result of one, big decision. Losing weight is a series of decisions.…
Making the decision comes first!
If you or someone you know has struggled with getting rid of excess weight has gone down the “COVID Weight Gain” tunnel, then I know you’ll appreciate the next article. I’ve had my own experience with weight gain struggles over the years. It was never a lot of weight-maybe 10-12 pounds, but since I’m a small person, that 10-12 pounds made a big difference for me. And, it happened slowly…so it wasn’t an overnight realization. Along the way, as I did notice some upticks on the scale, I’d tell myself-oh well it’s an age thing…it’s…
In Celebration of the “Love” Month!
The month of February is a special month for me. #1-I have a birthday in February! #2-I said YES to my husband’s proposal of marriage on Valentine’s Day in 1993!! #3-It’s the American Heart Month-focusing on having a healthy heart-by the American Heart Association. Wear Red on Friday, February 5th for support! #4-Of course, there is Valentine’s Day-a day to dedicated to the emotion of LOVE! Whether you are honoring your beloved, your family, your friends, your furry children, or yourself, it’s a day to open your heart to all the love that exists…
Top 10 Things to Say to YOURSELF!
Your Words are Important! Often the things we say to ourselves we wouldn’t even think of saying to another person We blame, shame, call names of the meanest sort, nag, belittle and bully ourselves through self-talk. What if, instead, we were gentler with ourselves, asked ourselves questions and listened to the responses. What if we treated ourselves as we treat a best friend, someone we love dearly. Here’s a Top 10 list of loving things to say to yourself. What do you feel? Asking ourselves what we feel can help put names to, and identify…
February is the month of Love!
I’m sure you’ve heard this before: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words build and topple empires. Oh, right, Ok, I know that’s not the way the saying usually goes, but I’m using a dash of dramatic license here. And I think it rings more true this way: as much as we trot that silly old adage out, words can hurt. Thankfully, words have an equal power to heal. I’m not just talking about the words we use with those around us. I’m talking about what we say to ourselves. Our self-talk! Often,…