Making the decision comes first!
If you or someone you know has struggled with getting rid of excess weight has gone down the “COVID Weight Gain” tunnel, then I know you’ll appreciate the next article. I’ve had my own experience with weight gain struggles over the years. It was never a lot of weight-maybe 10-12 pounds, but since I’m a small person, that 10-12 pounds made a big difference for me. And, it happened slowly…so it wasn’t an overnight realization. Along the way, as I did notice some upticks on the scale, I’d tell myself-oh well it’s an age thing…it’s…
Are you Sabotaging Yourself? Take this quiz to find out!
Self Quiz & Article by Jackie Foskett Habitual lateness. Extreme disorganization. Not following up sales leads. Eating foods not on your food plan. Self-sabotage takes on a variety of guises and affects people of all ages, professions and economic levels. But it always leads to our not living the life we want for ourselves. Take this Self-Quiz to see where you you might be working against yourself. There’s no scoring, it simply will allow you to see where you may be working against yourself instead of for yourself. It takes me at least a half…
Ready to Make THIS Year Extraordinary?
Ready to Make This New Year Extraordinary? It’s the beginning of a new year and it’s time to hit the refresh and reset buttons! I am totally in on looking forward to a “new” year, as so many people are-especially after the year we just had with the pandemic and all the political and social unease. Yet, as tempting as it is to make a list of all the things I want to achieve this year and call them my New Year’s Resolutions, I haven’t done it, nor will I. Why? Because New Year’s Resolutions…
Perspective is Key!
How you perceive anything matters! A tire swing hangs motionless in the yard. Light from the house casts a donut-shaped shadow on the fence opposite, but as a passing car shines its headlights on the tire’s well-worn tread, a rectangular shadow appears on the other fence. So which was it: a round donut or a rectangle? Of course, we know the answer is neither—and both. It all depends on your perspective. We’ve all heard that perspective is everything. It’s an easy enough thing to believe, but do we really take this lesson to heart? In…
5 Ways to get the most out of your relaxation time
5 Ways to get the most out of your relaxation time: Focus on your breathing. Choose a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, if you are comfortable doing so to keep out any external distractions. Take in a deep belly breath-let your belly expand….and then slowly release it. You can choose to bring your forefinger and thumb together on one or both hands which signals the body you are relaxing. You might even press them lightly together on the inhale and release them on the exhale. Alternately, place your hands on…
Spring Letting Go Process
I’ve been doing a “letting go” process. It’s based on a Feng Shui practice of letting go of 27 items for 9 days. The premise of this practice is when you declutter and let go of “things” on a conscious level, you are getting rid of not only the “stuff” but the energetic weight of all that “stuff” that’s been hanging out in your space. I immediately felt good and lighter upon embarking on this process. I had old magazines, books, papers, cards, linens and knickknacks, among other things, that were long overdue for a…