Feeling Energized and Ready to move forward!

I’ve jumped into 2015 feeling energized and ready for changes as I move forward! I believe my “completing” 2014 by sitting down and writing out all I was grateful for and all I wanted to celebrate about that year, gave me great momentum for this new year. The energy I got from that completion exercise propelled me into designing and creating 2015! I have details to fill in, but the main “umbrella” is in place. It’s compelling and is moving me in the direction I desire in both my personal and business life. I wrote…

January 2015 Happenings for Healing Hypnotherapy!

New HypnoBirthing® Classes starting January 13th at EvergreenHealth. Pass this on to your pregnant friends and family in the area! A quote from one of my recent new moms: “Thanks so much for teaching Travis and me the tools for a very normal birth. Your class helped loads with my anxiety about my pregnancy and my birth experience was the PERFECT ending to a very emotionally difficult 9 1/2 months. We are all so happy and healthy and our son has adjusted beautifully to life outside the womb. Thank you again for everything. Honestly, I…

Create, Design and Evolve

Begin by acknowledging and celebrating all you’ve done, accomplished and have loved in 2014! When doing this, reflect on all the various areas of your life: work/career, relationships, health, family, recreation, etc. Making a list helps solidify the celebrations! Give yourself a big cheer of celebration! Now, take all this positive and powerful energy to create and design how you want your new year to look feel and be! Let yourself imagine and feel what it is you desire for this upcoming year. Write it all down. Now imagine it’s this time next year and…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Thank you for being part of my Mind Matters community this past year! I appreciate you and your willingness to receive my e-zines, e-cards, messages and articles. My hope is that through these communications you have gained some useful tips, tools and words to support you on your path on this journey of life. On a personal note: 2014 has been an extraordinary year for me! My husband and I had an amazing time traveling in Europe for an extended period of time during the late spring and early summer. We both…

Stress Relief Tool #5

Breathe into your Heart: Quick Coherence® Adapted from the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath has done extensive research on the how the patterns of the rhythms of the heart reflect our emotional and nervous system states. When we are stressed, anxious, frustrated, out of sorts… our heart’s rhythms become disorganized or what is called an incoherent pattern. The heart sends electromagnetic signals to the brain, which then trigger the release of stress hormones. To bring the heart back into a coherent pattern, you need to focus your breathing on your heart. The Quick…

Fall Beginnings!

Fall makes her official appearance on Monday, September 22nd, but here in the Pacific Northwest, we have already begun to see Mother Nature’s subtle signs change. This “burning bush” in my front yard is definitely indicating “the seasons they are a changing!”   I love the colors of Fall and even though I’m a real “summertime” person, I actually relish the crisp new energy fall brings on.   It’s that new school year feeling. I like how it gives a sense that there is something new to learn, new plans to make for the rest…

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