Adventures in a New Land!

I was recently on a vacation with my husband to Southeast Asia, which is a new and different place than we’d ever visited before.

We explored the regions of Singapore and Indonesia.

It was a learning experience of different cultures as well as with very different climate conditions than we’re used to.

When we left the Pacific Northwest, it was cool springtime weather here, and when we landed in Singapore, it was hot and humid!

A bit of a shock to our bodies, to say the least!

So, we were thrust into summertime weather immediately.

Here in the PNW, we don’t get much humidity in the summer, although I know it is a common weather condition for so many in the US and else where, but for us, it was a bit hard to handle initially.

Now, if you’ve been in my Mind Matters’ Community for a while, you’ll know I’m a big fan of summertime and really advocate for something I call “Summertime Mode,” which is all about having fun and enjoying what the season has to offer.

Unfortunately, the sudden humidity and heat weren’t conducive for rollicking about as much as we would’ve have liked to, but we slowly adjusted.

As we love being outside, we did manage to partake in outdoor activities, but were also were keen on finding those “cooling spots” of air conditioning whenever we could!

We did have fun and enjoyed exploring and relaxing, too.

Thank goodness Indonesia was not as hot and humid, although still more so than we’re used to, but we were determined to stay in the mindset of “summertime mode,” regardless!

My husband’s nephew married an Indonesian woman a few years back, so we were honored to be part of that extended family. We were treated to their very generous and kind nature and relished in the many adventures they shared with us.

 And, we did indeed, get an early start to “Summertime Mode.

As always, it was good to get back home after an exciting trip. I am truly grateful for being able to do this trip and have new experiences.

And, now, as we are settled back in the Pacific Northwest, we are enjoying the PNW’s beautiful summer and are focused on staying in the “summertime mode.”

How’s your summer going?

Would love to hear if you’re partaking in the spirit of the summer season or if not, what might support you in doing so?

I’m all ears! Comment below.

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