Experience Calm and Joy This Holiday Season: Taking Tips from Mother Nature by Jackie Foskett, CH Do you ever find yourself a bit envious of Mother Nature? The way she flows effortlessly with the seasons, free from the stresses that we as human beings experience on a daily basis? Thankfully, we can use our wonderful human imagination to mirror the natural world around us. This holiday season, engage your imagination in a “daydream” as you give yourself the gift of “quiet time” and become a natural attractor of what you truly desire. Do you desire…

Welcoming Change, Attracting Well-Being by Jackie Foskett, CH As the days get shorter and life’s activities seem to be taking a run in the fast lane, it may seem more challenging to focus on your health and well being. But it’s not as difficult as you may think. By using your powerful inner mind, you can tap into your own innate resources and be prepared in body, mind and spirit for whatever comes your way. Focus on the Positive Once again, I refer you to my April 2007 newsletter and a look back on the…

10 Ways to Attract Ease and Serenity by Jackie Foskett, CH Who doesn’t want more ease, serenity and peace in their lives? Here are the practices I have been working with personally and also sharing with my clients. #1 Become aware of self-talk Awareness is key to determining what you attract into your life, so pay attention to your thoughts. #2 Acknowledge negative thoughts Say “thank you for sharing” or something similar to acknowledge that you’ve heard the negative thought. You may also want to imagine a big STOP sign, indicating you are no longer…

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