
When you are thinking about making changes and when that feels scary, it helps to “tell your truth,” identify what are your fears, worries and concerns about making the change you want. By “telling your truth,” by acknowledging your feelings, your fears and the negative thoughts around change, you are positioning yourself to really “see” what can hold you back from making those changes. It can feel embarrassing to look at why you’re so afraid of making a change. But it is important to do it, otherwise, you might set yourself up for staying stuck!…

I’m so excited to share some changes that are in the making for Healing Hypnotherapy. As I love supporting people in making changes, having more calm and ease in their lives and accessing their best selves in mind body and spirit, I want to be able to expand and reach more people. I’m doing this by offering more phone/Zoom/other tech access to doing sessions. Clients will be able to have sessions in the comfort of their homes, without driving to Healing Hypnotherapy’s office. And, I can do sessions with anyone no matter where in the…

Fall is the season of change. As I look out my window each day, I can see the subtle and not so subtle changes taking place. Leaves are slowly changing their colors. They are getting ready for the time when they will let go and descend down to the ground to transform into mulch or simply disintegrate. The air is beginning to become more crisp and we are starting our rainy season here in the Northwest. Yes, change is in the air! It’s the cycle of change that Mother Nature goes through every few months.…

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