Why Your Mind is Your Best Weight Loss Tool
Did you know that the battle for fitness is waged in the mind?
It is. It doesn’t matter how many diet books you buy, what kind of gym membership you have or how great of a calorie counter you are– all of these things take a back seat to the importance of your mindset when it comes to shedding pounds and getting fit.
This is because losing weight is not something that happens overnight, and it is not something that comes about as the result of one, big decision.
Losing weight is a series of decisions.
It is many decisions a day.
In fact, it is those many very small decisions a day that slowly adds up to a fabulous outcome.
But you have to decide to lose weight and get fit over and over.
And that happens in your mind.
Think of your weight loss journey like a big ship. As long as it stays on course, you make steady progress toward your goal.
And the steering wheel—that tool that determines whether the ship stays on course or drifts away—is your mind.
So you have to figure out what you want. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to get fit? Why? What are the reasons that you want this? Now decide how badly you want it.
Because your mindset is key when it comes down to those little decisions that will happen repeatedly.
For example, it is almost certain that you will come home from work one night and be exhausted, hungry and upset. You will hungrily open the refrigerator and have to make a choice.
Do you eat the baloney and cookie dough? Or do you eat the pinto beans and steamed vegetables?
You see, it is easy to “diet” when you feel great and your energy is up and things are going well.
Many times, however, it isn’t like that, is it? Many times it is gut-wrenchingly hard to stay consistent.
In order to steer the ship, you have to know where you are going.
That is when you need your “why.” This is when you need to have a clear picture of what you want:
Do you want to be healthy, fit into smaller clothes and avoid many of the chronic illnesses that come with being overweight and unfit?
Then choose the healthy foods that support you in achieving that outcome.
Or do you want to put on more weight, feel your clothes get tighter, have decreased energy, and anticipate a future of chronic diseases?
Then choose the unhealthy foods that will keep you going down the same path and getting more of those same negative results.
You have to do this over and over, every single day: one decision at a time, with the mind at the wheel.
You can do this with the right mindset.
And, when you’re clear about what you want and why you want it.
Here’s where hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool.
It helps you get crystal clear on WHY you want to achieve your goals and it will make decision-making feel and be so much easier.
When you are clear about what you want and why you want it, getting rid of unhealthy weight and fat and eating for your well-being can be like sailing with the wind beneath your wings!
You won’t be worrying about tomorrow; as you mindfully focus on that next decision with confidence!
Before you know it, you will have created lifestyle habits that make getting fit and being your best self in mind body and spirit, second nature!
I’m here to help you explore if hypnotherapy can help you.
Be sure to sign up for the Breakthrough the Challenge of Change free phone session.
And, if you find it’s right after your free 30 minutes discovery session, then you might want to use February’s Special before it ends at the end of the month!
Breakthrough the Challenge of Change
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