
How Emotional Resilient are you?

Emotional resilience is the ability to successfully cope with change or misfortune.   Even when afraid, resilient people respond to life’s challenges with courage and emotional stamina. While we can’t always control what life brings, we can use adversity as an opportunity for growth. Respond True or False to the following statements to discover how well you cope with life’s many challenges. Set 1: When bad things happen, I think “why me?” I feel fear and self-pity; I want to find someone to blame.   When I feel overwhelmed by negative emotions,, I overeat or…

Connecting to Your Inner Resources During Challenging Times

How are you doing during this global health issue? Life is definitely looking different than it was a few months ago that’s for sure! These are some challenging times for all of us! We are all experiencing daily challenges that perhaps none of us has experienced like this before and it can really trigger all our worries, fears, and anxieties. When life looks and feels uncertain, it can jolt us into our protective primitive part of our brain that simply wants to get away from danger. This survival instinct puts us on “alert” for all…

I used to get quite stressed and anxious around the holidays. It wasn’t because anything negative happened to me when I was younger or even as an adult at this time of the year. Instead it was more about the expectations I put on myself. I’ve always really loved the Christmas holidays. I grew up on Long Island, New York and it seems there was always so much going on for the holidays not only for my family, but so many other families, too.   My parents did it up big when my sisters and…

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