
How Emotional Resilient are you?

Emotional resilience is the ability to successfully cope with change or misfortune.   Even when afraid, resilient people respond to life’s challenges with courage and emotional stamina. While we can’t always control what life brings, we can use adversity as an opportunity for growth. Respond True or False to the following statements to discover how well you cope with life’s many challenges. Set 1: When bad things happen, I think “why me?” I feel fear and self-pity; I want to find someone to blame.   When I feel overwhelmed by negative emotions,, I overeat or…

What do a boss who’s always yelling at you, your mate’s over-spending habits, a cluttered house or office, tight shoulders and a ho-hum (or bad) relationship have in common?   They’re all tolerations, those little or big things we put up with-often without realizing it-that sap our energy and drain our life force.     Every time we tolerate something, we deplete the energy we could be using to make desired changes or to simply experience joy in our life. It’s like living with a low-grade fever or pain that somehow dulls our experience and…

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