Stress & Anxiety Relief

Don’t Resolve–Create!

Don’t Resolve–Create! by Jackie Foskett, CH I personally like the idea of “starting anew” on January 1st. We get the opportunity to feel refreshed and be excited about what is to come–all the things we want to do, accomplish and change. Naturally, this new year seems like the perfect time to get it all done. So, it’s resolution time, right? This year I’ll exercise more. This year I’ll go out more with my friends. This year I’ll read more books. This year I’ll save more money and so on. Yet studies show 4 out of…

Self-Hypnosis Exercise: Access Your Quiet Mind

Self-Hypnosis Exercise: Access Your Quiet Mind by Jackie Foskett, CH Use this self-hypnosis exercise to achieve inner focus and access your quiet mind. Practice daily for 5 to 15 minutes and you will notice a difference in your ability to de-stress, find solutions to problems and tap into your creativity. This exercise is extremely relaxing, so refrain from practicing it while driving. 1) Focus on your breath Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, noticing the sensation of air moving in and out of your lungs. When you catch your mind wandering, simply return…

Laws of Attraction

Laws of Attraction by Jackie Foskett, CH Many of you are aware of the Laws of Attraction thanks to Oprah Winfrey, whose television show recently featured the best-selling book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne about the power of thought. You might also remember that I mentioned these laws in my January newsletter. These laws are not new by any means, nor is the information contained in The Secret . However, it certainly seems the time is ripe for more and more people to discover them. Currently, I am enrolled in a monthly tele-course with Rita…

Create Your New Year

by Jackie Foskett, CH Instead of shaping a brighter 2007 by listing goals and to-dos, try an infinitely more effective technique—using the power of your imagination to engage your right brain’s creativity. Business and Leadership Consultant Rita Hovakimian, owner of the San Francisco-based Inspiring Success, engages the right brain to spark life changes (a hypnotherapy technique) in her annual Design Work workshop. Imagine how you want your life to be in various aspects of your life: Imagine feeling vibrant and healthy, free of excess weight and enjoying renewed energy. Imagine choosing foods that nourish you,…

A Simple Gratitude Practice

A Simple Gratitude Practice by Jackie Foskett, CH How do you incorporate gratitude into YOUR life? Bonnie McFarland recommends a daily gratitude practice and I do, too. I encourage many of my clients to use a daily focus on gratitude to shift their thoughts from what is not working to what is. The result? Immediate access to positive feelings and acceleration in desired changes. Here are some ways to start a daily gratitude practice: Start with a gratitude list Bonnie suggests taking 5-30 minutes to write down anything and everything that you are grateful for.…

The Benefits of Gratitude

The Benefits of Gratitude by Jackie Foskett, CH Perhaps the best—and most effective—way to begin the new year is with a healthy dose of gratitude. Why? According to Bonnie McFarland, a Seattle-based Clarity Coach and owner of La Bella Via, what we focus on expands. Focusing on the things we’re unhappy with, for example, reaps dissatisfaction. On the other hand, turning our attention toward that which fulfills us, brings us joy, and inspires creativity will invite happiness to take root and blossom in our lives. In her recent newsletter, Bonnie writes that psychologists, spiritual teachers,…

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