Stress & Anxiety Relief

Stress in Relationships: Do you have a voice?

Stress in Relationships: Do you have a voice? Last e-zine’s focus was on self love as the ultimate relationship and how important self care is in demonstrating our worthiness and love for ourselves. Following on that concept and the theme of love, let’s examine the stress that often happens in relationships, whether they are significant love relationships, as in marriage and partnerships or relationships with family members, co-workers, employers or friends. The most common problem I hear from my clients regarding stress in their relationships is: they are not speaking up for themselves. I call…

Fun: A Natural Stress Reliever!

Well, I did it! I had the most fabulous dance party for my 60th Birthday celebration! I had such fun, that I can barely contain myself when I talk about it! The fun-ness (if there is such a word) keeps exuding out of me!  Yes, that’s me in the purple, dancing with a little 3 year old person, who we can’t see! I was blessed with many friends and family who were physically there and those who were not able to attend, but who were there in spirit, having a good time along with me.…

Tips to Bring on more self love!

Begin today by giving yourself the gift of love. Love starts with you! As you embody love, it naturally expands.   A few tips on allowing more love into your life: Be kind to yourself, as you would want others to be kind to you. As we focus on treating ourselves with love and respect, we naturally feel more love and kindness to others. Be conscious of your self talk. Positive self talk promotes health and well being. Keep a grateful journal.  It allows our hearts to be open to love: click here to learn more Focus…

Self Love: The Ultimate Relationship Keeps Stress Away!

I know you’ve heard about an apple a day keeping the doctor away, but did you know self care, can help keep stress away? It’s true. And it really is quite simple. Ignore your own needs, desires and wants and you are bound to feel agitated, frustrated and probably even resentful.   Feeling agitated or frustrated and/or resentful usually means the thoughts you are thinking are focused on what is not working in your life or what is wrong. Any of these thoughts sound familiar:  “This job is so demanding”, “I feel like I’m always…

It’s the Month of Love! Are you feeling it?

Welcome to the month devoted to love! When we think of love, during this month of February, we are usually thinking about love in our primary relationships. Of course there are many other kinds of love, the love we have for our children and families, our friends, our furry children, someone who inspires us…and I’m sure you could name many more. Naturally, all of these various types of love relationships are significant, but one of the most significant love relationship, is self love. Be sure to read on Self Love: the Ultimate Relationship. As a…

What is Stress?

The word stress all on its own can mean many things.  It has its origins in the sciences of physics and mechanics, but the stress this article will refer to is the psychological stress of our modern day lives. Stress in itself is neutral.  It is an event, something that happens which takes us out of the natural state of homeostasis in mind, body and emotions.  Homeostasis simply means harmony.  Our minds, our bodies and our emotions seek harmony, and anything that disrupts that harmony is a stress. It becomes a negative to our physical…

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