
New HypnoBirthing® Classes starting January 13th at EvergreenHealth. Pass this on to your pregnant friends and family in the area! A quote from one of my recent new moms: “Thanks so much for teaching Travis and me the tools for a very normal birth. Your class helped loads with my anxiety about my pregnancy and my birth experience was the PERFECT ending to a very emotionally difficult 9 1/2 months. We are all so happy and healthy and our son has adjusted beautifully to life outside the womb. Thank you again for everything. Honestly, I…

Stress & Labor: Not a good mix! As a practitioner of HypnoBirthing®, the Mongan Method childbirth education, the biggest issue for most parents-to-be is stress. They have busy lives, stressful jobs, they’re preparing for a new member of their family and they are worried about the birthing experience. Not a good mix for wanting an easy comfortable birthing experience.   This is no surprise to me, as the messages concerning pregnancy and especially childbirth are abundant with negative expectations for a miserable, uncomfortable, and painful experience. Gee, if that was what we had to look…

Hypnobirthing®: Relaxing into Childbirth by Jackie Foskett, CH Pregnant? Going to be pregnant? Know someone who is pregnant? If you fall into any of these categories, or if you simply want to know that babies can come into the world in a calm and peaceful way, then you’ll want to know about HypnoBirthing®, The Mongan Method. I’ve been teaching HypnoBirthing® since 2000 and am still so excited to be sharing this childbirth education method with others. The HypnoBirthing® philosophy is simple: Women’s bodies instinctively know how to birth. When the fear and negativity that often…

Visualization: Imagining a Comfortable Childbirth by Jackie Foskett, CH Visualizing a comfortable childbirth not only prepares moms-to-be for a wonderful birth experience, it’s also a great way to relax during pregnancy. Perform the exercise below for just 10 minutes a day, gradually working up to 20 minutes a day as you feel ready. Practice, practice, practice is key! Your mind, your body, and your baby will be thank you. Designate an area in your home for quiet time and relaxation. Start the exercise by using your breath: Inhale to a count of 4, pause briefly,…

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