Appreciation – The Key to having the life you love!
Appreciation – The Key to having the life you love! by Jackie Foskett, CH Mother Nature is beautiful and wondrous in every season, but it is her Spring time that I find the most exhilarating. The flower blossoms, the vivid colors and all the new growth are evidence how much life is available even after a long winter of gestation. Treat yourself to this experience of undeniable aliveness by getting yourself outdoors during this beautiful time of the year! Feel how connected we all are to the essence of life, while giving your body movement,…
Happiness Tool #6: Multi-Dimensional Living
Happiness Tool #6: Multi-Dimensional Living by Jackie Foskett, CH Is your life in balance? Dan Baker, Ph.D and Cameron Stauth, authors of the book What Happy People Know , contend that most people’s lives include three main components: relationships, purpose and health. Happiness, Baker and Stauth say, comes from multi-dimensional living in which these three areas are in balance. Unfortunately, many of us put all our energy into just one area, leaving the others to languish. For example, some people may be spending much of their time, energy and emotions on their “job” yet not…
Happiness Tool #5: The Power of Language and Stories
Happiness Tool #5: The Power of Language and Stories by Jackie Foskett, CH In their book “What Happy People Know,” Dan Baker Ph.D and Cameron Stauth pose some fascinating questions about the far-reaching impacts of language and stories. Why is language so powerful? What do stories have to do with happiness? The answers lie in the relationship between our words and our minds. According to Baker and Stauth, there is are two types of language: constructive and destructive. Let’s examine them from the perspective of the Laws of Attraction, which I’ve written about previously. Constructive…
Happiness Tool #4: Lead with Your Strengths
Happiness Tool #4: Lead with Your Strengths by Jackie Foskett, CH Lead with your strengths. It’s the 4th Happiness Tool from the authors of What Happy People Know , Dan Baker, PhD and Cameron Strauth. Sounds great, but how do we accomplish it? First, let’s look at how we relate to our weaknesses. When we focus on our weaknesses, we tap into fear–fear of failure, fear of not being “enough,” fear of not being able to do things right, etc. This kind of fear-based thinking is restrictive and stops us in our tracks. On the…
Happiness Tool #3: Personal Power
Happiness Tool #3: Personal Power by Jackie Foskett, CH Looking for a way to stop feeling like a victim to circumstances in your life? It’s all about becoming a proactive force for YOU! In other words, claiming your personal power. Dan Baker, PhD and Cameron Strauth, authors of What Happy People Know , explain that there are two components to personal power: taking responsibility and taking action. Sometimes life feels hard and commitments such as work leave us too little time for the ease that accompanies play and relaxation. In this situation, we often feel…
Happiness Tool #2: Choice
Happiness Tool #2: Choice by Jackie Foskett, CH Choosing what and when to celebrate is just one example of the kinds of choices we make in the course of a lifetime. Dan Baker, Ph.D and Cameron Stauth, the authors of the book What Happy People Know , write that “Choice is the father of freedom and the voice of the heart. Having no choice is like being in jail. It leads to depression, anxiety, and helplessness. Happy people choose the course of action or non-action.” In my work as a hypnotherapist, as well as on…