
Life Balance Quiz

How Well Do You Maintain Life Balance? by Jackie Foskett of Healing Hypnotherapy We hear how important it is to have balance in our lives. Yet what exactly does that mean? If trying to maintain balance in your life has your feeling like a tightrope walker, you are not alone! Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy, life can feel like a 3 ring circus! Take this quiz to find out how well you are doing in meeting responsibilities, while recognizing and fulfilling personal needs and wants. It will help…

Committing to an Adventure!

Committing to Stretch into an Adventure!   Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down. – David McNally   It’s very interesting what happens when we make a commitment. In October of 2015, during a workshop I attended of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s, I decided to commit to stretching myself outside my comfort zone in areas related to my fitness. When I got home, I told my surprised husband that I was going to participate in a…

Create Your Day Anew-Audio gift for Spring!

Create Your Day Anew Audio/Meditation In case you missed downloading this audio last month, I’m making it available for you again. It goes perfectly with the concept of growth and renewal in this season of Spring!    Create Your Day Anew It’s approximately 8 minutes long. Easy! And, it will put you in the right frame of mind to get your day running smoothly! I’m including a very short introduction audio that you’ll only need to listen to once. After that, just listen to the meditation every morning and you’ll begin to notice the difference…

Stress Relief Tool #17

Here’s a quick and easy tool taken directly from Chapter 4 of: “The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves.” It may seem counter intuitive to smile when feeling stressed, but it actually works to reduce stress symptoms. A study at the University of Kansas, published in Psychological Science, demonstrated the positive affects of smiling, even if it is not a genuine smile. Simply by using those facial muscles needed to smile, participants activated a positive physiological response. The positive physiological response was not found in the participants who had…

Here’s another funny one-Laughter yoga!

I hope you got in some relaxation time on Saturday for National Relaxation Day! Right now I’m in Las Vegas for a HypnoThoughts.Live conference that starts on Friday. I’m spending a couple of days hanging out with some family and friends before I get some serious learning in! Being here reminds me of one of the classes I took at last year’s conference. It was a laughter yoga class. Now you may be wondering how serious can my learning be if I’m take that kind of class. Ha! Ha! Well, it turns out, laughter yoga…

Spring Clean UP Time!

It’s time to clear out the winter cobwebs of your mind! If you’ve lost momentum in your weight release efforts, don’t despair! Healing Hypnotherapy’s Weight Release programs are here to help! Sign up for a free consult and know how to get unstuck and move forward now, not later. Feeling stressed out? Are you a new or fairly new mom (one of my many HypnoBirthing moms?!!) who is feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities? Or do you have too much on your plate these days with work and taking care of everyone else, but yourself? (the…

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