Benefits to YOU!
In the many years I’ve been using hypnotherapy as the tool to support people in feeling their best and healthiest selves, I’ve found that that underlying issue beneath almost all “problems” is how each person perceives their world.
How we perceive our world relates directly to the thoughts we think. If the thoughts we think are negative, they will cause stress or distress. It’s when we get relief from these stressful thoughts that we connect in with our innate wisdom, our inner healer, our inner knowingness and solutions are found.
I’ve worked with many clients who began to release their excess weight after they began to get relief from their stressful thoughts.
I’ve worked with clients whose health issues got resolved faster because they were able to get relief from their habitual, usually self defeating, way of thinking and instead find healthier ways to resolve their health problems.
Almost every smoker I’ve worked with had used cigarettes to relieve their stress in one way or another.
When I teach HypnoBirthing® to my moms/couples, the biggest issue they are usually dealing with is fear…fear of childbirth, fear of pain, fear of medical intervention. Where does that fear come from? The thoughts that are going on in the mind. Yes, of course there is the origin of that fear….where did it start to begin with, but the main issue, is that the fear causes stress. Stress causes tension, tension causes pain. The work is on getting de-stressed, giving moms/couples more positive expectations of birth to allow for their bodies to relax and work more effectively.
Letting go of stress, stressful thoughts and stressful feelings is a huge part of the process. Finding new empowering thoughts and feelings and keeping them active is how we empower our lives.
This is what I’m up to in 2012!
Each month, I will be bringing you more articles about different types of stress with tips/solutions for you to use.
I’m so excited to be newly focused in my business of hypnotherapy. I love how effective hypnotherapy is in showing each individual what the solutions are for them.
Let’s get some dialogue going on this topic. I want to hear what you are thinking. And, if you have anything to share with others about your process using hypnotherapy to relieve those dis-empowering stressful thoughts, please share them. You will be contributing to the greater whole.
Please share your thoughts on the comment box below.
I so appreciate you and thank you for being a part of my community. I look forward to continuing to support you in having the healthiest and best life you desire.
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