Happy 4th and Happy Summer!


Hope you had a fun day off celebrating the 4th of July!

My husband and I spent a quiet day being around the house, but managed to get over to our local park for a concert and a fabulous fireworks display. I love our small town that manages to put on these types of events for the community.  I feel quite blessed to be living in such a great place.

We’re finally warming up here in the Northwest.  Our “official” summer, which usually starts right around the 4th of July, has begun!  Yeah!  I’m excited.

It’s time for relaxing on the deck, eating outside and lavishing in the warmth of the sun while gardening or just “playing”.  My “inner child” really loves this time of the year.

I know many of you in other parts of the States have already had enough of the summer heat, so for you, I wish a cooling down to more “normal” levels, so you can actually enjoy the summer instead of dreading the heat!

Speaking of enjoying….what are your favorite things to do in the summer?  How do you get into that summertime mode you know I’m so fond of writing about?

Playing and relaxing in the summer time can be the ultimate stress reliever, which is what I love to do and what my business is all about: helping people relieve the stress in their lives that causes disruptions in the connection to their innate joy.

Read the featured article below to learn more about connecting in to that innate joy.  And, tell me what you think.

Let’s encourage one another to keep “play” in our hearts and our physical bodies and I bet there will be a lot more happiness going on in our communities, wouldn’t you say?



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